i intend to make a hub for anyone wanting to trade, if you want to make a trade offer yourself follow this example:
platform: ps4
looking for/ wanting
- uranium/ refined uranium
- gnome pods
- holy grenade (if they’re real)
- any of the og experemental weapons
- exp hp5
- exp sjöqvist
- refined aluminum
- any common material
- (almost any) gold/5 crown weapon
The trade hub is a good idea! I would buy your stuff but sadly I’m on a different platform lol
you can make your own post, if you are looking for specific stuff
I probably will make one tonight after I get off work, I mainly wanna trade for the new guns, I’ve killed like 20 max rivals and both tyrants but can’t find them lol
Platform: pc gamepass/Xbox
What I’m looking for:
Any of the new experimentals, and phosphorus
What I’m selling:
thousands of uranium, and any og experimental, including the exp hammer
Platform: Ps4
What I’m looking for: New exp shotgun, Exp AI 76, Exp laser rifle, Gnome pods.
What I’m selling: Exp Hp5
i can get you the new shotgun, however i don’t need an exp hp5, can you get me some uranium/refined uranium for the shotty? and how much?
Sorry, I am low on uranium myself.