Medicine Cart Inventory shows +9876543210 Medicinal Value Inventory

Hello, this just happened to me when I was checking the medical cart inventory. I don’t know how it came about, but everyone shows it, no matter which base I go to, they all show this picture
So now the picture is complete

It occurs again even after restarting the game. What I don’t do is delete this character because it would affect the one that has existed since the beginning

Edit 2:
PC/Steam Current release

Console or PC?
Current release or beta test branch?

Does it still heal if you’re hurt?
Do the values change when healed?
Can you move items?

It it just with the medical trailer like that or also with the four different armed structures?

Currently I guess they mapping of the values is broken.

We had that in the past for some certain values (especially for some locations or log entries) and in specific languages (for example broken in German, but working in english), but not in that extent.

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Unfortunately, it persists even after an injury/healing
Moving is not possible, only (ESC) Cancel is displayed below when a field is clicked