Missing Experimentals

Platform: Steam

Description: Loaded in all my Experimentals weapons were missing in both storage and inventory.

Steps To Reproduce: not sure how to reproduce. Haven loaded game in a few months.

Images / Videos: N/A

Host or Client: Host

Players in your game: Alone

Specifications: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/jJWzXk

Do you use filters in your storage and inventory?

No. Any new experimentals i get from drops also vanish completely.

Can you provide a short video that shows that?

  • looting a rival, taking an experimental and then looking at the inventory for it.

You can also send your safegame file to the support for helping them to find the issue.

I mean i can but i have to reinstall the game and then try to get another experimental drop. Kind of pissed me off to lose all my Experimentals thats ive been collecting. Finding out they vanish when i grab them was just more upsetting. So I uninstalled the game.

I can’t see any reason why just the experimental weapons should vanish.
Just using filters hides them… But not on the weapon wheel for example.