Mission tip stays in upper left corner of the screen even if no mission is tracked

Platform: PC / Steam

Description: Not a huge issue, but annoying. Since the June update, there is always a mission tip in the upper left corner of the screen, no matter if there’s a mission in the log being tracked or not.

Steps To Reproduce: If you track a mission, it will change the tip, but if you stop tracking the mission, the tip does not go away. The tip should go away and unclutter the screen.

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: Single Player

Players in your game: me

Specifications: PC / Steam, core i7 3770, 16 GB ram, windows 7 64 bit

by default , this should really be set to off

The thing is, that says “currently tracked” but even if you untrack all missions, it still shows the last one that was tracked, or the last active one.

So I still think it’s a bug.