Monowheel Machines

Hello, was thinking the other day and an idea popped into my head, what if we had a machine that is like a giant wheel with a head on the outer forward frame. It would have rocket pods on outriggers and a cannon in the nose/head. Something like the Hailfire droids from Star Wars Clone Wars but with one big wheel instead of two. It would be able to roll around really fast but have really thin armor.

thats basicly what the lynx are

No I mean like a big wheel like tank sized or bigger, like a giant rolling hoop.

i think the rollie pollies are cute rolling around, I would like to see some events were there wearing Halloween & Christmas Hats etc etc etcimage


Sniper Lynx would be neat

For me the grenade launcher lynx are already more dangerous and difficult than the sniper hunters could ever be.

Yeah those are terrifying, you can hear the machine gun belts rattling too. The sound design in this game is god tier