More experimental weapons idea

I would opt for more conventional, resistance-like mods instead of those sci-fi ones.

Something like semi-auto conversions for bolt action rifles, like this one:

Imagine a semi-auto Älgstudsare with a 15 round magazine :star_struck:


Would certainly be cool to have, but I was talking about those experimentals, because they are on the roadmap for an upcoming December update, so my idea was to throw in some ideas and discuss it with other players, so that maybe the devs will see this and take inspiration from some ideas.

We can build ammo bases rn actually, we can store thousands of rounds of bullets and medkits in those supply storage buildings they added.

Love that channel, so many awesome weapons from history that he covers, and so many unique modifications that were tested that may have not been adopted en masse.


While cool, I’d prefer them to just incorporate missing Swedish guns.
IRL, there was the semiautomatic AG42 that fired Mauser ammo. In the 50’s and 60’s, there were well developed updates that turned it into an assault rifle.

Interesting, I find, that the game still needs a really good close to mid-range semi auto marksman rifle that has a firerate on the lower end, but high handling to track fast enemies on close range, good accuracy and very high damage, could be a good pick for a more ammo-saving approach and be great against hunters and doggos.
I think we have this S21 from the US weapons pack and the Kotenok to suit this role, but we still need a good Swedish rifle to suit this role instead of the semi auto AG4/AG5

If we just would be able to add other scopes to the pvg…

Wait, did you try the pvg without a scope, yet?
Maybe that already fits your demand?

I did, but a bit high recoil for me and early/midgame the ammo is quite hard to get and I would not waste it on doggos or hunters

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Agreed with the ammo, but is the same with .243 and .270 ammo.

Well these ammo types are more common for me and I can reliably find them in ammo crates and even higher tier doggos, the hunting rifles are also not really meant for the combat style I am talking about I think, a swedish short/medium range semi auto battlerifle should come into the game (And receive an exp. eventually)

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I get what @Ereshkigal is saying, the PVG is the ultimate rifle, and the others…rifles are “weak”, it would be great to have something in the middle, the Kotenok (SVD) and S21 were supposed to be that, but they suck too.
Ammo for PVG is more scarce, and if we use that on everything it gets boring…

PS: Most rifles in other games always seem more powerfull, here they all feel very weak, i know the targets have steel and not flesh and bones…but still weak…

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Absolutely agree.
Just wanted to point out that we already have the hunting rifles and the normal pvg and that there is a large gap between them.

For all of them the ammo is very rare at the beginning.
That’s ok for the strong pvg, but for the hunting rifles really bad, because you often need more than one shot for a target. And in the current version of the game there are way more machines than 2 years ago when I started.

Now, that I’m much experienced and there is not much to do for me, except hunting machines and doing assignments, ammo for the hunting rifles still is rare, but I swim in ammo for the pvg, although I use it much.

The s21 and the kotenok may be good options, but they are still just DLC-weapons and just use the 7.62 ammo.

I’d wish that the Älgstudsare would have much more power, not as much as the pvg of course, but more than now. And there must be much more ammo for it.

Btw.: Swimming in ammmo for the pvg just is an effect of destroying Firebirds. Before them I always had to craft ammo to fill up my belt, because it was too rare for my consumption. And this consumption just is caused because of its strength, not weakness.


The hunting rifles do their part, they can destroy a runner with 1 shot in the fuel tank, i actually think finding ammo is easy for them, weird.
But the devs could easily fix the other 2 by giving the S21 and the Kotenok “extra damage”, even while using the samo ammo as the assault rifles.
At least they would be a “medium” rifle between the hunting rifles and the PVG.
Everyone would be pleased and you could actually use stealth more often like in so many other games.

PS: Having an experimental Älgstudsare rifle, with a bigger magazine, more deadly and with some cool new feature would also fix this +/- and shut up people like me.

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I agree, but that shouldn’t the only way to fill the gap because they are just DLC-weapons. Although I bought it I don’t want to have a “pay-to-fill-the-gap”.

Yes…but they havent given us a free weapon for a while now…cant imagine actually giving one for free that actually works well and does not suck.
Even weapon skins will be paid from now on…

Ah pardon me, they gave us 2 very usefull (NOT) standard melee weapons for free!
And no i do not intend to drag this and get out of topic.

What do we want?imagem

  • New experimentals!
  • A good sniper rifle!

good ol explosive scatter grenade crossbow. ( experimental of course )

when the arrow lands on the robot or inviroment. it explodes and scatter around it with smaller explosion.
youre forced to use explosive arrows.
damage (xxxxxxxx–)
handling (xxxxxxxxxx-)
rate of fire (x---------)
1 x is 10%. it means 4 x is 40%.

and they could add new free weapon crossbow that can shoot any kind of arrow

special crossbow stats
damage (xxxxxxx—)
handling (xxxxxxxxx-)
rate of fire (x---------)
it does little less damage because its single explosion.

Apart I would also like a similar weapon of the Swedish base game, so that players without the DLCs would not miss on that important part of tactical play and also have a weapon to suit this purpose.

A good experimental should also include versatility in my opinion.
While the mentioned explosive scatter arrows, will be able to deal huge damage to components, you will suck against armour, because explosives suck against armour.
So I would like to have it so, that we get experimental arrows alongside such a weapon and we can both use HE scatter arrows like you mentioned, but also HEAT arrows that work against armour and deal some component damage through armour (While leaving it mostly intact tho)

theres only 1 experimental weapon that is high explosive ( shotgun experimental doesnt count because its not high explosive. )

theres an reason why we can make corrosive ammo to remove armor first. and the normal grenades we have they got nerfed even when theyre not that even strong or useful. its takes longer to explode and cannot cook the grenade.

reasonable for making another high explosive weapon.

I’m all in for a damage buff for the Kotenok (bought the DLC and think it’s a lousy gun…) and the S21 (didn’t buy the DLC (yet) because of obvious reasons… But the M14 with red dot was my favourite weapon in the early Dayz… :wink: )

Except from that I’m still hoping for an introduction of magazine(box) extensions for Meusser and Älgstudsare, make it +1 round per * and we end up with 10 & 9 rounds per clip. Imho that would be a really good thing. At least for me, ymmv though.

I do like the two guns and still carry a Älgstudsare with me because of the most capable "sniper"rifle that can equip a silencer.

Optional I’d take a silencer for the “normal” PVG 90… :grin: :grin: (but not for the Exp variant for obvious reasons…)

My 2 Ct.