More food items

The Selma event is actually a pretty neat idea
Infact why not have more food options
Like sandwiches soups or so on
And different foods can heal differently
Large/small amounts of health quickly/slowly


I have to say it is a good and interesting idea, soon Semlas will disappear.
I suggest the following points:
Food items to be available only inside houses with kitchens.
Not too many items (more than 2 or 3 per kitchen is absurd).
No more than 6/8 variations.
No food from enemies.
Food items that make sense (would not spoil easily and be available), so no soups (sorry @Bronyboi18).
-Candy or energetic bars
-Canned food
-smoked fish or meat
-army rations
-fast food snacks
-Some kind of energetic drink or Soda.
As stated before, Large and small sizes would heal differently.


You can always try and finish what’s left on the plates…


Yeah, very funny @Bootie :wink:

I’m with @Mr_A1992 here as long as it doesn’t turn into survival mode. @tene had some good points too. Being able to open fridges and cupboards in search for snacks, beverages, or even food (= health points) would make the exploration of houses interesting again.


Heh heh. Listen, I ate the dogfood in Doom.

I agree fridges and cupboards would be fun.

A couple of cans a day (a game-day - sunrise to following sunrise) would be more than sufficient. You could easily go three days without food and still function, but maybe your stamina would suffer.

Beer. I want beer. At the end of a battle a beer would be most refreshing. From the fridge. And you would need to go back into houses, and we do need a reason, otherwise you just ignore them after a while. I’m not anti, at all. A “Hunger” icon might appear after a certain amount of game-hours and you slow down until you feed up. Okay…


The only rule is: make sure you’re near a toilet…
Right? XD

Survival won’t be bad.
Add it, but toggleable, I’d say?
not so that if you miss a meal, you’d drop dead, but still that it affects you somehow, like for instance it would bring your stamina a bit back, until you eat again.
Thirst might give you slightly blurried sight, maybe a weak, high pitched whistle (indicating headache from dehydration)?

LOL, both he same…


@Bootie, @Xogroroth - it sounds like a compromise is within reach:

Not a bad idea. As long as this doesn’t become a constant search for food, which it shouldn’t anyway since food is abundant in this game. Now we just need the devs to buy into the idea :wink:

Who doesn’t! Perhaps we should have a “Pub-icon” as well: :beer:

The “Pub” icon should be, well, outside the Pub! I haven’t seen a Pub so far in the game. No wonder they got beaten!

Shouldn’t need to be constant. Twice a game-day, you need a bit of sustenance. Hunger icon appears. Makes no difference for a couple of hours, then you marginally slow up. After six hours you slow up more. You plan your operations with a stop for food, just as you would. All the houses are open, but you do need to go there.


I think the Selma event was a trial run to see how people would react to actual food being introduced to the game. So many people are asking for survival mechanics to be added to the game that this might be a way of meeting everyone half way on this issue. I’ve read other posts where people have said let any food you pick up in houses be an instant health boost just not a reqirement for survival and i believe that would be acceptable to even the sternest anti survival gamer.


I think, that would not be good.
Reason: if it gives something, there should be a counter to it to balance the game out.
Having pure boosts with no negative to counter it… well…

Just thinking out loud.

Just to be clear, the food items would be just another type of health “packs”, one could pass the entire game without trying them on :sweat_smile:


Xoggy lad av yer cake and eat it , come on agree for once with me , a change from the norm would be a good thing , me and you said no a while back , i have now changed to 50/50 , if we get more enemy’s we gonna need to eat more than a single cake :joy:


Only gave a point of concern, sir. :wink:
More machines = more deaths.
Deaths are good. XD


It’s an unbalanced world my friend. The game will never be perfect and not all will be satisfied with the end result, in short somebody gonna be upset no matter what.


Im up for a few ales with my character @Bootie yep the devs should put beer in . Same effects as 7DTD ( more stamina strenth speed ) , after effect ( drunk wobble fall over ) :rofl::+1:


Xoggy, you are not for real :joy:


Seeing they erased the military, drove everyone into Evac… well… :stuck_out_tongue:
It would be logical. XD

I know though, you love me for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

It won’t really upset me, I just pointed to balance, sir. :slight_smile:

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Thing about the pubs
Isn’t the character supposed to be under the legal drinking age
All they said was a young adult so it’s possible that they could be in they’re 20s but I am not sure

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In Denmark you are allowed to buy beer at the age of 16. When you are actually allowed to drink beer is up to your parents until you reach the age of 18. I don’t think you are allowed to drink alcohol at all in Sweden :joy:

So in GZ I would settle for a Hallon (Raspberry) soda pop :wink:

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Food/drinks as an “alternative” health source ? Yes

Food/drinks and “realistic” mechanics of thirst and hunger ? Please no !

We have definitely enough “survival” games out there with (nearly) any possible setting so absolutely no need to adapt GZ to that. If you want to suffer or even die fast from thirst and hunger go play… maybe DayZ ? Hmm… Yeah, I think that might be a good example of how it is not possible to transfer everything into a game…

Aaaand an example of how things can go totally wrong, when developers don’t seem to have an achievable goal. Now they’re back on a fairly good way, after a good 5 years of… utterly nothing…