More invatory for the storage boxes

@Buzderandy, iā€™m a little bothered by this requestā€¦ GZ really isnā€™t the game where you should be looting everything you find and attempting to keep all of it, it originally did not have any storage space at all besides your characters inventory. I think the addition of storage space was a good change, however having infinite space seems very unreasonable and lazy like. It takes away from having to somewhat prioritize your loot, which definitely is part of the game and has been since the beginning. The additional storage space that we were given definitely loosened up that aspect of the game. This is something @0L0 and @Scorpion197412 both touched on, that you should not be looting everything you find.

The only counterargument I see to this was if Avalanche added crafting into the game, and made one of the items that you can craft to be for more storage space. Then maybe you could craft as many of those as you want to so you have lots of space. At that point though, you completely change the aspect of looting priorities because you know you could keep everythingā€¦ so it isnā€™t a good argument either.

The last comment I have is that you didnā€™t give any reasonings for this request in your post, and I believe that is because there arenā€™t any good reasons. Would you mind updating it with what your ideas are?



I wonder though, is that the intention behind the Plundra?
If so, I missed that oneā€¦

I miss thatā€¦
The need for thinking what to take, what notā€¦
I loved that.


@Buzderandy if i had an unlimited plundra there would be no need to leave and loot , and then your game slows to a crawl ā€™ due to a bazzillion items being scrolled through :rofl: i think @boston_51 hits the sweet spot with the Plundra and crafting , and then we would have a crafting inventory along side the normal 100 Generous capacity we are currently grateful for , Aye you all be good cheers :+1:


The Plundra also unbalanced the game a tad further than it wasā€¦
And made the game too easy on the brainā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree Xoggy and not agree :+1: , you see we have choice pal ā€™ to use ā€™ Or ā€™ not to use ā€™ ā€¦ Mines full off big red bombs and more big red bombs :rofl: Oh well fill it with cakes then and pass em round till next national sweden cake day , come on pal av yer cake and eat it :joy::grin:

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Would you agree if I disagreed on your disagreement?


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Aye @Xogroroth , sometimes i have to agree , with you , and myself ,

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OMG, you are SO nice to meā€¦
Are you free, or in relation?



I agree with OP! :rofl:

And thatā€™s not for my own selfish reasons, I have enough space for my own characters. I just want to not be forced to throw away things I could give to my fellow players in coop.

Oh and also, I want to stack up on Semla and the (almost non existing) ticks harvested with the Engineer skill. :slight_smile:

:+1: @ OP!


Saboteur spotted. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though:
I said my peace, itā€™s up to the devs now. :slight_smile:

I do hope, for those that use it a lot, they would add tabs.
While I personally would rather see it vanish entirelyā€¦ many said sorting is a true issue, and for themā€¦ please add tabs?

I am always trying to get rid of ammo (by destroying machines) because it`s everywhereā€¦and my plundra is always full too, so itĀ“s normal if people have their stash full.
They could indeed give more 100 slots, but i do not agree about an infinite space.

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I do not quite get why people hoard in this game, sir.
The only place I used in Plundra was to stash away Aden Pens, as I do not use these.
This way I did not had to run around with it constantlyā€¦

I never had any use for Plundra myself, and thus, speaking from my personal experience, itā€™s very hard to see ā€˜needā€™ for itā€¦
Not to mention, ā€˜needā€™ to increase it even furtherā€¦?

On a side note: having a big plundra is not so friendly to the game.
Though, as nowadays machines are quite powerful, thenā€¦

Many people are hoarders, i myself am a bit guilty, but let me explain my situation(and some others i guess).
I have my plundra full of every weapon but the yellow kvm89, then 4 slots with alternative attachments, then i have ammo for all weapons but the Mauser and the simple pistol, and some medkits.
If more people do as i do, itĀ“s not real a big deal.
Although since they fixed the weapons/attachment bug, things are much better.
So if one thinks about it, it makes sense.
Also the resistance would need to stash weapons and to do ammo runs, check every fictional and real resistance/rebellion situation, so as long as we do not have ammo depots, itĀ“s okay.
As always it`s always interesting to discuss this matter with you and some of the other members :wink: .

By the way, do you just play with 4 or 5 weapons ? Or do you also have most of the weapons ?:thinking:


Normally only 2 weapons: my trusted A4 and the bad-arse .50.

Last save I began with ONLY an LMG 59ā€™erā€¦ and ran out of ammo fastā€¦
RGN disliking me XD
Took me four days in the second bunker (so not the tiny, safe house alone one, but the next one) to finally find 7.62mm ammoā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:
No other weapon.

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That explains your empty plundra :laughing:, i usually carry 4 weapons and some times i change with some others.
I am always finding ammo at the miltary bases, dead soldiers, EVERYWHERE, i must be lucky, 7.62 thenā€¦i have one character with 1700 rounds! Birdshot ammo is everywhere, i only carry 1 slot of extra 60 birdshot rounds. 50 bmg is easy to find too .

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Merged two threads regarding the same topic.


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Keep Plundra as is :grin: , now a weapons cabinet or a Tab in the plundra would help to sort items ā€™ bombs radios semilla ā€™ away from our prized ā€™ weapons ā€™ which may help us appreciate them all , better than locking them away in another character or chucking them due to no space , i understand why we need the Plundra more now than before = More attachments , more weapons coming ._ so why would we want to just throw away our time and hard work getting them , thats my take on this cheers .


I read through all this and would like to hear all of your comments since so many changes have happenedšŸ˜

Well, it got an increase in inventory space after all, sort of! :rofl:

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We did indeed :grin: glad to hear back