Most of my safehouses are gone

PLEASE HELP! My game is installing the new january update its at 86% its ready to play so I go and on my map MOST of my safehouses are gone. It will take forever to go travelling and unlocking as its super far between places even with a bike or going to a nearby safehouse tahts not actually nearby. WHAT HAPPENED!!! and can it be fixed Its not fair since i payed good money for this game and the dlc. Im so mad and im ready to actually cry…lol ugggg someone please advise or Avalanche themselves please help.

They are back guess i had to wait till the whole update was finiashed and exited and re launched the game all good phewwwww lol Thanks though and great game dudes!!! but lets get the clothes going bullet proof visibility etc etc

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Glad it worked out :slight_smile: