Motorbikes DLC - feedback/discussion

Depends a bit on which motorbike you chose.


I too would like it to be more of an adventure/quest/mission to find them like the experimental weapons were. But in this day and age, to many will want what they paid for NOW in a game.

But it could be sold as a mission to start with. Where player knows when they buy it they have to explore for it.

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They add great mobility for traversing long distances, but they lack the suspension and physics of an actual Dirt Bike, and I’m not going to ask for ATV Offroad Fury level physics, I just mean, give the bikes suspension so we can go over offroad terrain without hitting EVERY. SINGLE. BUMP. and our bikes go flying. See video comparison:

Dirt bikes should glide over the terrain, not hit all the bumps. And also, when I crash into something below say 20km/h please just leave me on the bike. lol Don’t send me flying. haha


The hitting and flying is the fun part. You are trying to get to or away from the machines, but “ships” is always in the way.

I mean it’s fun to collide and stuff, but I want to feel more like James Bond and less like Johnny Knoxville. lol

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I agree, physics of the bike needs work, but still love the idea, needs to be able to pop a wheelie

Was riding the resistance motor bike today along the north coast of the north coast region. Some of the marshy areas are to deep to run across but the bike was making quick work of it. Even a few times the bike and I were completely submerged but just made it across. Then there was one that was just to deep and up on land I popped, but the bike was still in the water. I jumped in after it and hit use key ASAP. Hit the accel key and up we went!

The resistance bike does wheelies, after hitting something, both front and back wheelies. Is does power slides for very fast turns. Its acceleration and top speed are just enough to stay ahead of a tank’s machine gunfire.

Just haven’t figured out how to make it do all these stunts at will, they are sort of random right now.