Hello there! First i want to say that i absolutely love this game and want to see it improve!
To start off i would like to mention a few things for the sake of clarity. I am a veteran FPS player and FPS games are what i’ve mostly played in all my years of gaming. I am what is known in the FPS community (Battlefield, Call of Duty, Overwatch, etc) as a “sweat” or “tryhard” lol
I am an “Aim Enthusiast” with over 1000 hours of aim training and i can confidently say that i am one of the best “Aimers” in the world. You are free to see this for yourself on TikTok @fwchopsticks.
The reason I mention this is so you understand that i have an above average understanding to all things related to aiming and movement and how solid aiming mechanics and fundamentals should feel.
One of the things that really bothers me about this game and makes me question my commitment to it is how it feels to look around and aim on mouse . There seems to be some sort of smoothing effect making general aiming whether ADS or aiming from the Hip feel very un-natural. I understand that this is not a competitive FPS game but i strongly disagree with any game forcing mouse smoothing or mouse acceleration.
I do not know if this is by design to add “immersion” to the game as it does make looking around with your mouse feel “weighty” but i believe the better approach to this is to add inertia to the movement instead.
My hope is that you would also opt to give us the option within the games settings to actually enable or disable “Mouse Smoothing” and/or “Mouse Acceleration”
I really hope this is post is taken serious for the sake of the community’s user experience.
My PC is not a high end pc but it runs the game at 60 fps and im ok with that. I have played games that have been a lot more demanding on my PC and have not experienced this mouse issue.
Specs are the following:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 4600G with Radeon Graphics
RAM: 16.0 GB
Storage: SSD - 476.9 GB
Graphics card
GPU processor: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER
Thanks in advance