Multiplayer issues and bugs post hot-fix

I couldn’t find something thats been merged yet maybe because I don’t know how to use the search function but a whole bunch of singular issues that I’ve been having.

Weapons, sound cannot be heard or seen via the person connecting or hosting of one another. Frequent crashes. And “god-mode by one player connecting” meaning either the client or host for some reason cannot be shot by enemies because weapon firing is not there making that one person a “god”.

Any time you play with someone else.

Just video!Ara85LV-is7a3LoZZsgbeGDfpfTNVw

Platform version:
Xbox one X both client and host


NAT Type/Ping:
Open on both. Near 80’s 90’s.

Game version:
[According to Xbox] V.
[In game] V.1903375

Thanks for the report. The frequent crashing and general instability suffered from the hotfix are well-documented in the collection thread here, so let’s keep the other issues separate to make things easier on the developers.