Multiplayer Vulture weapon drops only visible to host player

PC. When my buddy plays; Vulture drops sequence; my partner only can see and attack Lynx robots—he does not see (or hear) gas pods or gun turrets and their hostile fire does not affect him.
This also happens when he hosts.

Can anybody confirm?
Is this always or just in some cases?

I can confirm. Playing on PS5 with a random host. I could not see the gas pods or MG turrets but only the lynx. I also did not get damage from gas or MG fire.

Experienced it from both sides on PC as well. Been relatively close to the other Co-Op’s and they start yelling about “Firebird” and shooting at something invisible.
And then vice versa.
A quick round trip to a safehouse, not too close, seems to have solved it every time.
Don’t forget to throw out a radio first!

Don’t remember if it was like that from the beginning or came with the patches on Skyfall?

Me and my mate didn’t have these issues with vultures yet. But the last one we fought together was before showdown update.

We just had an almost similar situation when doing the mission at normyrra arena rocket silo. After we left the bunker again we were attacked by a firebird, that Just the guest was able to see… Including its mines and wreck after killing it.

Mines that caused nearby cars to explode on the other hand took effect on me as host, too. Well, it was the car that hurt me then.

This is new—plenty of co-op taking down Vultures prior to the latest update.

Jumping to a safehouse (out of region) didn’t work for us—We’ll give it another try today.

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