My challenges reset when I made a second character

So far it seems like it doesn’t, thankfully.

The problem isn’t just limited to PC unfortunately. Earlier in this thread there are posts from players on Xbox and PS4 reporting the same issue.

The problem isn’t just limited to PC unfortunately. Earlier in this thread there are posts from players on Xbox and PS4 reporting the same issue.

That’s good and bad at the same time: bad because it’s spreading on different platforms - good because the developers will notice it for sure for a quick fix! (ahahah I hope!)

I decided to create a new character recently, but unfortunately, when I came back to my main character, all challenges was reseted, apart from the “truth” challenges.
The problem is that I can’t replay missions, so the challenges that is needed to finish main and side missions from both DLCs, is now unobtainable…

This is a known issue which might be fixed in the next update on June 23, maybe.

Unfortunately ‘fixing’ it will almost certainly just mean stopping it from happening to anyone else. Your challenges are gone, and in the case of the mission-related ones, they’re gone forever.

Oh uh
Check weapon spawns, this happened to me and I’ve recovered all the 5c guns (except the AI76)

So sorry! This happens to me too! I hope they will fix this to all players, because it is frustrating to do the challenges again.

Hello! This issue will be solved with the coming New Dawn Update! Sad to say that even though its fixed lost progress will not be restored :frowning:

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Will the homeward bound challenges be fixed because mine it’s working that’s the only challenge I need to do for all my challenges to be completed :slight_smile:

Homeward Bound has been broken since February and there’s been no word about it yet.

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Platform: PC

Description: I created a new charakter to get a achievment but i lost my challenges progress on the main charakter. i try to delete the new one but it doesent help… so i dont know but hopefully you can help me with that.

Steps To Reproduce: i deleted the new charakter but its still missing my chllanges progress.

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Merged to main report about the issue.


Did you have the latest update installed when this happened? @Avalanche_Pontus said it would be fixed in New Dawn, but I didn’t see it in the patch notes…

Either way, your lost challenge progress is gone forever. If and when they do solve the problem, the fix is just going to prevent it from happening to anyone else. There’s no way to get those challenges back.