My challenges reset when I made a second character

Xbox one s

I made a second character to try a new built. Then when to my challenges and all but truth were reset.

Steps To Reproduce:
I made a second character checked my challenges all but truth were reset.
Images / Videos:

Host or Client:

Players in your game:
Single player



Description: When i logged in the game on 11 of April i noticed that some of my in-game achivements are lost (all progress in survivor and and resistance branches). I spent a lot of time and effort to get these achivements and they are very important for me. On top of that these achivements provide some nice in-game bonuses. I suppose my progress is lost due to some bug. Please restore my achievments progress.
Steps To Reproduce: I made a third character, checked my challenges, all but truth were reset.
Host or Client: Host
Players in your game: Single player
Specifications: PC, Windows 10 x64


Did you ever use mods or did anything else with your safegames, like moving from one system to another?

If not, did you experience other additional problems with your safed data?

It is possible that it happened due to some kind of update-related bug, like my safehouse-problem. I’d bet that noone could help you in a way that you get all achievements back, as it is probably not possible to proof that you already had them with your current safegame/account. But it could be possible to find the reason of your problem so that others won’t have to experience it, too.

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts like this on Reddit since Base Assault, so it looks like that’s the culprit.

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No mods I’m on Xbox

I have not experienced the safe house glitch.

While I accept that I will have to redo the kill challenges. The game has a quest and collectable log an I have achievements to prove I beat them.

I can’t redo the finx rising arc or the collectable
Challenges so they’ll have to fix this.

Actually I might be able to do the collectable Challenges because they all respawned on my map.

I do not use mods and did not modify any save game data.

I have spend over 130 hours of my life in this game.
Loss of progress was not my fault.
I am expecting developers will restore my in-game progress soon.

im on Xbox series X i that i was going crrazy when my challenges reset

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so I been poking around with my challenges the past few days and the only one I can’t redo are the mission specific one for the DLCs. Me personally i have no problem redoing them.

As the title says on ps4 i made a new character because my main is lvl 31 and it wiped my challenge progress on my main character so i have to completely start from scratch on challeneges even the ones i have already completed and the ones i was very close to completing anyone know anyway i can fix this plz help.

I’m on Xbox series x and I created some new characters to customize them then later I was looking at my challenges and found that they are gone. Is there anything I can do

Moved to report thread covering the issue.


Same issue after creating second character

edit: this occurs again when creating a 3rd character



  • challenge progress reset for all challenges but ‘Truth’ (Himfjall may be unaffected as well, no progress was made on those yet as I’m early in the game still). It appears any progress made as the second character is counting towards the challenges
  • all collected schematics are marked collectable again;
    • previously picked up schematics are available again to be picked up
    • schematics progress on the map is reset
    • schematics however appear completed in Log - Schematics
  • lock picked doors are locked again

Steps To Reproduce:

  • play with main (only) character
  • exit to menu
  • select character
  • create new, go through character creation
  • new character started out at game start spawn location
  • did some random things including 1 pistol & 1 meelee runner kill (these, but only these, are counted towards the challenges)
  • fast traveled to F23 Overby safehouse for inventory mgmt
  • exit to menu
  • select main character

When I respawned I noticed the location completion notification in game had an incomplete schematic while I had picked that up earlier with my main character, prior to creating the second character. The reset could’ve happened before switching back to the main character but didn’t notice up until this point.

Host or Client:

Players in your game:
Single player


Playing on PC through Steam, on Linux with Proton 7.0-2.
No mods have been used at any point, or any other tinkering with game files. Not done any multiplayer as host or client either.

Fairly early on in the game, 20ish hrs in, level 8 and just starting the main warboards so not too dramatic to have lost this progress. Just disappointing to return to this beloved game after some time on a new platform, after struggled through completing it on PS4, and still being confronted with progress resetting / blocking bugs.


Hi, I have a same issue exactly like in description above.
Please fix ist asap!

Same issue here, reproduce with 3rd and 4rd Charakter. two friends have same issue.

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The same issue just after creating the second character


I’m playing the game WITHOUT any MODS!

I’ve made a completely fresh start 2 weeks ago and completed the main story - start the DLC Fnix rising for the first 2 missions (I’m at the point in which I’ve to scavenge the armour of the rivals) - created my base in the forest - done one base assault - reached the level 31 cap - collect all the Q1 and Q2 schematics (except the HEDP ammo) - all collectables ecc and then went to Himfjall island.
I’ve created a new character to exp here in the DLC (Alpine Unrest) - went to the safe house of Ulvstugan Slope Cabin - and interact with the Plundra box - I was under fire by an Apo Tank - game crash!!!

Send the crash report - restart the game and here is a big surprise!

  • challenge progress reset for all challenges!!!
    Only Truth and Himfjall category seem OK.
    all the other challenges categories are reset like a new start!

  • All collected schematics are marked collectable again;

    • previously picked up schematics are available again to be picked up!
    • schematics progress on the map is reset
    • schematics however appear completed in Log - Schematics
    • lock picked doors are locked again
    • ALL the collectables picked up until now seems ok and the map/log section show the right progression

Steps To Reproduce the Issue:

  • play with main (only) character - reach the first safe house on Himfjall Island
  • exit to menu
  • select character
  • create new, go through character creation
  • new character started out at game start spawn location in the Archipelago Region
  • fast traveled to the first safe house on Himfjall Island
  • take some weapons and ammo from the plundra box
  • go to the safe house of Ulvstugan Slope Cabin.
  • just crash here or exit the game after you unlocked the safe house

When relog in game I noticed that the challenges (expect Truth and Himfjall) are missing and the Schematic progress inside the map are lost!

Host or Client:

Players in your game:
Single player


Playing on PC through Steam, on Windows 10 - 21H1 - OS build 19043.1706
NO MODS HAVE BEEN USED at any point, or any other tinkering with game files.

I really love this game and this strange bug is quite annoying…

do you need my save game?

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Does anyone know if this only happens when creating a NEW character? My reason for asking is that I already have 4 characters, three of which I use as mules. My game is at 100% and I fear this would be reset if I used one of my mule characters.
Does anyone have an answer?

I just swapped through all 4 of my characters on PS4 and my challenges were fine. I’d recommend you back up your save data first just in case though.

For what it’s worth, I haven’t heard anyone get their challenges wiped just from selecting a different character.

Thanks for that. I might try loading up for first time in a month then. I’m Xbox1X though so dont know how to save game data.

I’m not sure if you can. Switching characters should be fine though. Hopefully.

I just swapped through all 4 of my characters on PS4 and my challenges were fine. I’d recommend you back up your save data first just in case though.

well, this specific issue will appear when you CREATE a new character, if you already have 4 characters this issue should not appear … I hope :smiley: :smiley:

For what it’s worth, I haven’t heard anyone get their challenges wiped just from selecting a different character.

Good to know that this issue seems limited only to the PC version. maybe something went wrong with the last update and hotfix and the PC players will be the only affected