Now, I know what you’ll say: “It’s a Harvester, Bootie, they’re always rubbish!” And you’re right, so I set off to find another one and it was the second one to spawn, ever, and he had strayed too close to the Church - ha, ha, got him! Here he is…
It’s a great T Shirt! But really, the Hunter dropped less than a normal military one! I’ve only ever had two weapon drops from machines in all the time I’ve been playing, and that was when someone else was in the game. I thought the Rivals would be different - My algorithm doesn’t like me…
It’s not just you. I haven’t done that much with rivals as I don’t find the idea that inspiring (and find these cheapo low-rent feature updates kinda insulting to be honest), but I’ve shot a few (to try it before I knock it ), some leveled up first too, and I haven’t seen a single weapon drop, which further supported my impression that it’s busywork. I despise randomized loot with the fire of a thousand suns anyway, and I guess the bots must’ve heard that so now they don’t bother carrying any loot.
But yeah, nice to see they’ve taken special care to shit on the lone wolves among us from a great height. Not only are the fights harder (which at least is kinda realistic – of course it’s easier with more firepower and flanking and all that), the wages are worse as well? Well done.
I think you misread me, mate.
I know that some people find the game too hard (either at first, because there is a bit of a learning curve and you start out with no/bad gear and not knowing the tactics; or in general), and I respect that, but personally, I’m comfortable with the current difficulty.
My complaint therefore isn’t that “the game’s too hard”, it’s that since playing alone is objectively harder (because you can’t use team tactics, etc.) (as opposed to being “too hard”, very different thing), the loot should arguably be better.
I.e. my complaint is that if you defeat bots alone, it’s more of an achievement, but instead of more of an achievement giving better rewards, you don’t even get the same rewards.
You do a harder job and get worse pay.
I disagree a little, as when I usually play with other players, I end up carrying them. I don’t think the loot needs to better for single player, because I think it’s already generous enough. I do agree though that there is a little bit of a learning curve for some people, and I think that should maybe be tweaked a tad bit.
I’m a person who likes games to be difficult and sometimes unfair (I am the type of person to play Hardcore Minecraft ), because it mimics life sometimes. Something or someone hands your arse to you, you get better, and then you come back all guns blazing showing who’s boss. The difficulty in single player definitely makes it more rewarding in my opinion, and even if the game is a bit tight on loot for some people, when you finally get something good it’s all the more rewarding.
I don’t think they need to add a loot buff to single player, but again, that’s just my opinion.
My point isn’t so much that it should be better than in co-op, than that it shouldn’t be worse.
(Though if for some inane reason people insist that it must be different, then the logical thing would be for it to be better, to model “you get the same amount of stuff, but don’t have to split it four ways” (for those who like things “realistic”), and/or to reward the greater achievement of having prevailed alone.)
I don’t necessarily mind a game being hard (at least I don’t mind the difficulty level of GZ, though of course people will argue about whether that could be called hard). I do mind it being unfair. Which is exactly why I hate randomized loot. If you and I do the same job, you and I should get the same reward. You wouldn’t stand for it if an employer tries to pull that on you, why would you do so in a game that’s supposed to be fun?
If the game’s as bad as or worse than real life, I might as well do something IRL rather than start the game.
Generally speaking, I want a game to lure me in with a fun world, a great story, a fun loop, not by treating me like a rat in a box with shitty intermittent reinforcement. Why would you have to do that, unless your product is bad, or you fear that your product might be bad? If you’re a class act, trust in the strength of your product!
Also to be honest, I don’t think that people who are all rah rah realism really want realism. If they did, they’d ask for a mode where you meet your first tick, have no idea what it is, and it takes out an eye and the game will only render the left part of the screen for the rest of the playthrough.
If I could find a way to drop it, I would - it’s a pair of tartan trousers and in my day the only people who wore tartan trousers were skinheads and The Bay City Rollers. My algorithm is taking the piss…
Maybe the special weapons should be less random? I got my first one after the second level-1 rival in the starter area. Maybe a bit too early, I don’t want this to ruin the great atmosphere which in part is created by fear.
Yes it is! I don’t know, I finally got a 6* 9mm off my third or fourth rival - on the other hand I had an ordinary FNIX Tank tonight that was a perfect bitch to take down - I’ve never seen so many ticks and from so far away! I was talking about Tanks multi-targetting - he was multi-targetting me all by myself - all three weapon systems simultaneously! If the Rival Tank is anywhere as hard as he was, the fear is right back…