My Reaper disappeared

My Reaper disappeared
I hadn’t played in a while, I came back with this new update and my reaper disappeared
Previously I had made him appear in Farmlands, a while later I ignored him, he ended up appearing in Himjall and stayed there
Now that I started playing again it disappeared, I had 8 rivals for each region
Reduced to 7 in all regions
I’ve called the new titan twice and it works fine
But when I go to call the rival, it consumes the components and doesn’t locate the reaper
I saw here that Reaper was lost on the map and even drowned, I searched all the river banks and I’m hunting for him until now on the map, without success.
Any tips?

i still have mine from before the update, area you can no longer get reapers at, with the new 200 parts call them into map

maybe all the ones you call in, keep on drowning, what region is this, I wonder if they count toward 10 kill count for the arguments

Solved my problem.
I found the thing after days of searching.
I killed it and now it’s spawning a reaper normally again.

While playing I got killed and when I respawned the reapee was not to seen, it on the map next to the sfe house it in my tracking screen but if go to where tge reaper is the tracking just move the reaper somewhere else. ?