My Relay Beacons Don't Spawn

Ever since I started playing Generation Zero a few years back I started to realize that my relay beacons stopped spawning. The first time I played Gen Z was with a couple of friends. We ran into the relay beacon at the “Abandoned Fishing Wharf” and destroyed it. Later on I ended up deleting that character and made a new one. I eventually got to that point again and realized that the relay beacon didn’t spawn, but it was only this one that was failing to spawn. I tend to restart the game a lot because I’m a very immersive player. If I die I’ll restart. But every time I restart more and more beacons fail to spawn, I’m not sure why this is happening but it ends up taking away a lot of XP that I should be earning. And it makes the “Kill Switch” challenge basically impossible.

Thanks for reading this and keep up the good work!

Edit - I play on the Xbox Series X.

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I believe that relays arent intended to respawn but if you join a MP match where they have relays left to destroy, they can respawn in your world.

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That wouldn’t make sense, let’s say I start a new game and go to that location. It says there’s a relay beacon 0/1. It should’ve respawned for me to destroy it. I deleted all my old saves so they should be there. Even the unmarked one’s don’t show up anymore. I’ve even found some in my own game that I’ve never destroyed before and they didn’t spawn.

I’ve only played MP 3 times total, but I’ve had a couple Beacons respawn many times. Mainly the one near the church North of Ostervik, that one appears very often. It’s only a few that respawn though, and they seem to do so at random intervals. It’s really confusing.

Scrap that, I just found it was fishermans wharf.

I don’t know why MP has any effect - but it does. If you head into a world with them, then back out into your map and it’s pass the threshold for them to spawn - they are always there.

You’ll know when they have because the lighthouse / safehouse at the bottom of the Archipelago will spawn one outside by the garage. Once that has loaded, the one you are missing will be there.

Since the last update mine keep respawning. Not that I am complaining, it’s a fast way to level up the region for me.

All of mine have disappeared.

Well, you on XB - so happy to try and jump start yours from mine. I’ll be on over the weekend if you want to give it a shot.

I’m down, I’ll be on later today.

Hello good. Do you know if this abandoned fishing port beacon error has been solved, the same thing happens to me as @Oooo but on PC and every time I restart that is one of the main beacons that are not generated