My Thoughts On This Forum

Status, well let me explain, especially for new members. First and formost, some idiot decided that unless you visit this forum everyday and post everyday then you are not a regular! I have visited most days but maybe not posted.
Me, I think this, and some members attitudes, are bloody ridiculas. Now, I dont give a damb what status I have as I only joined this forum for the fun factor. Some English types have clearly over-stepped their mark and have the assumption that they are the authority on what is or isnt said in this forum. Maybe its time for the devs to wake up and monitor the forums them-selves but I doubt that will happen.
Me, I look and read some posts and think the devs should too.

Ohh and to the idiot who thinks he is the worlds advocat, please do delete my account and show the rest of the crowd that you are a true and trusted fool.


Wait, what happened to you, sir?

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If this is really you, Alan, then please calm down a bit. We can certainly have the discussion, but let’s be civil. If somebody hijacked Alan’s account then … very funny … now, please give it back to him.


As far as I know, the Trust Level system is based on activity. If you’re not active a lot, you can go back from being Regular, to being a Member for example. A mod can bump you back up, if you want.

Regarding who’s overstepping what, I’m not sure who you’re referring to. I haven’t noticed much activity like that. I can guarantee you that Avalanche devs are on the forums on an almost daily basis, and they can read everything here. But if someone’s acting unfriendly then let us mods know and we’ll see what can be done.

That was my first thought.


Alan are you alright? :ok_hand:

This doesn’t seem like you. :frowning:

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I lost my reguler status a while back and i was one of the first to get it , i started that private forum thing off then cant get back in haha ._ sounds a bit like the game dunit people :rofl: , ah well just checking on @AlanWade hey AL im english dont be mad with me i like ya lots cos your a non snowflake , come bak dont make me cry or the room may cry too ._ aye cheers alan :+1::beer:

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So that big empty Chesterfield in the corner below the wall lamp with the yellow velvet shade … that is yours?

Yeah, hope everybody is okay here. It is supposed to be fun here. After all it is about a game :wink: Cheers :beers:


Aye dust me Chesterfield for me il be back :sunglasses:

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