Hello, My name is William, display name Demonetized#7862. My PlayStation is no longer active online. I was hoping to switch my platform to Xbox/Windows but I can’t unlink my account from my PlayStation due to it being completely out of order. I love your game so much I purchased it on Steam as well and downloaded it from the Xbox game pass. I would love assistance to regain the content I loved and lost. Thank you!
Hello there William, and welcome to the forum!
Im not quite sure what you´re asking for here, but if its regarding DLC´s or savefiles then you cannot transfer them between platforms.
Poop… close the thread then I guess
I try signing in and it says my avalance account is linked to somewhere else. Which is my dead PlayStation. Rip.
hmm… that is a whole other bag o´cats.
i checked the avalanche connect site, but i didnt find a quick and obvious solution, but perhaps you have more luck?
I would believe that you can forcefully “logout” from the website, or have some admin remove the linked console from your account, but i dont seem to be able to find anything…
…but the avalanche connect account has nothing to do with savefiles or DLC´s.
You can delete your account at the aforementioned website and then register a new one with the same credentials.
There may possibly be an issue with this approach, its not impossible that they save deleted accounts for a certain amount of time so when you try to recreate the account it may say “email already in use” or try to log you into your “deleted” account.