So, there are a lot of guns that shoot the same ammo. I think at this point there are 4 different guns that shoot 7.62 ammo, not to mention their experimental counterparts. There are also several guns that shoot 5.56., 2 hand guns that shoot 9mm (again, not to mention the experimental), also there are more than one SMG that shoots 9mm.
So, what im suggesting is adding guns that shoot different ammo, such as .40, .45, .45-70, .300, .50 (handgun) Obviously these are just suggestions.
Some suggestions for gun types to shoot the ammo
.40, .45, .50 are the handguns im thinking of. Now, .50 would probably be something like a desert eagle, which is an American gun, but they were around in the 80s. Also, it could be a revolver if that fit the story better. .40 and .45 are both very affective calibers, which is why I personally am baffled as to how they weren’t added from the beginning, but since there are a wide variety of guns that shoot .45 specifically, it wouldn’t be that odd to find a .45 1911 in Sweden, especially since they are one of the most popular hand guns in the world.
But now about rifles. .45-70, and .300 are both very potent rounds, and they would do well against machines. The rifles come in a wide range of styles ranging from bolt action, to lever action, to single shot (although I cant imagine they would add a single shot rifle into this game). They also come in semi auto, but seem to be very low capacity. In my opinion, lever action would probably be best if we want more than 3 shots.
Some ideas from the community would be welcome. What do y’all think?
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First 3 seconds and I’ve spotted the numbers.
“Another american set…” I thought.
After reading it again and whole, this one is about to merged into existing “New Weapon Ideas” and there is already existing discontent with american stuff in Sweden. Well, current “US pack” does have plot excuse and that stuff strictly military and same ammo standarts. The only one odd-out is AK, that use shorter cartridge than NATO one.
I’d add my two coins: I like how guns are right now with a delicate balance where everything is useful throughout whole game. Implementing new stuff either add none/redundant (FNC is slightly better at DPS than M16 with same quality for instance), or be either very OP or useless (cases for experimentals).
Diversity? why not, but will new stuff find it’s niche except sharing it with existing stuff?
You are correct in saying that some people don’t like the US weapons, I personally don’t have problems with them, but of course im from the US, so those guns are more familiar to me anyway.
A good possible compromise, if people don’t want anymore US stuff, is this- instead of a 1911, we could have another .45 caliber Swedish pistol. I did some research, and there are some pistols like that. Just one example, but it could work. Also, because there appear to be guns from other countries such as the AI-76, which appears to be an AK-47, which is a Russian made gun…there is no indication that there are not other guns present, besides just Swedish ones.
So for instance, the .45-70 and .300 caliber rifles that I suggested, of course, aren’t exclusively American guns. So, there are tons of options.
Also, just a bit off topic, but I don’t really get what the problem is with wanting American weapons, I mean, many American weapons are used world wide, just like many Russian and German guns.
But anyway, sorry for the confusion, I am not suggesting ONLY American guns, im just expressing them as an option.
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The ting with US guns is that they are in almost every game. And that they dominate over weapons from other countries in the gaming world. We just want a game with weapons that dont get that much attention. And if someone would help sweden with weapons in a crisis like this it would probably be neighbours and not the americans.
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And as I mentioned in another post. They would probably not donate weapons that are the most modern in their arsenal. That is kept for the army of that country. SĂĄ UK would in my opinion probably give Sterling Smg, L1A1 battle rifles and Bren guns. The french still used the FM 24/29 light mg for secondary troops so that would be an option for them. Norway used the 1911 Until i think 1985. So that gun would be an option for them to send. That and The german mp-40 that they used for home guard Until 1990. Finland had different version based on the AK-47 both licensed and imported. And so on for other countries around sweden.
That’s weapons I believe would end upp in the hands of a resistance. They would likely drop weapons that use ammo that’s common in Sweden. Not anything new and odd. Because then the weapon is of no use when you run out of the ammo that came with it.
I don’t bother with the 5.5 Cal Guns or rounds I stayed with the 7.62 Cal my opinion that the 5.5 has pore damage capabilities against the machines, you have a limited storage and weight carrying load, so you need to select what you like and think is best, and I just don’t bother carrying or storing the 5.5 Cal and guns, If I collect them I recycle them ASP. same don’t store too much .45 ammo as you can make them as 9mm FMJ machine gun rounds but not Armour piercing rounds as yet.
What terrorobot said makes sence. They probably wouldnt send all of the super new, realy nice guns, just for logic sake.
But that doesnt mean that certain very popular guns wouldnt be there. Also, the maine idea for .45 caliber is this- impact. The .45 caliber bullet is very large, ( not the biggest, but big enough) so it would be really good for taking out components, rather than a 9mm, which at best would expand to only about the size of a .45, and thats using hollow points. Plus, because its so much heavier than a 9mm, it would remove armor reletivelly quickly, so even if armor penetrating wasnt an option, it wouldnt nessisarily be the biggest issue in the game. Obviously other ammo types were mentioned, im just talking about .45 because its very popular…at least in this time period.