New Base Defense (building) & Progression

Today I tried to continue my second world again.
I started it some time after the introduction of building blocks mission…and got stuck with this mission: No FNIX base there… So it’s been quite a while ago, since I played thi world.
Although I always took a look at the mission after each update, I wasn’t able to continue.

Today was the first time after showdown update.

I started with my lvl 79 character and this time for the time there were shield generators. But just them.
I destroyed them and was stuck again, as there was no base to destroy.
So I quit to main menu and selected my lvl 17 character with which I once started this world. I went to the location again and as soon as I got to the barn, the mission was completed. YEAH.

So I captured the command point and built a vehicle station and thought:

How the heck should I be able to build a small base there now if I would just have started playing? Without any phosphorus for building walls?


I had exactly the same experience in my second world. After that, all went well.

I have noticed however that after undertaking a base defence, all the games pop-up notifications fail to appear. Restart the game and it is back to normal.

I suddenly discovered I had a level 3 FNIX base I didn’t even know had spawned or evolved.

Hopefully the January hotfix will resolve a lot of these shortcomings. I am not undertaking any base defences until then.

Makes no sense at all…

As per the most recent hotfix.

“We have significantly increased the amount of resources you receive from Base Defense missions, which we hope makes your crafting (and hoarding) a bit easier to attain. We also saw a lot of requests for ways to obtain them without needing to complete Base Defense missions. We heard you - Rivals and Tyrants can now drop small amounts of these resources. A Rival or Tyrant should drop resources roughly equivalent to half the resources you would get from doing an Easy Base Defense mission.”

While it’s nice and good they added the resources to the loot tables for Rivals and Tyrants, I am standing my ground on everything else. These changes are welcome and they’re in the right direction, but they’re still missing the mark.

The requirements for various building pieces are unchanged, and they simply do not make sense. Either remove the new resources from base building entirely, or take them off of the basic building defenses. For instance, wood walls.

Please add more ways to acquire these materials in a meaningful rewarding way. Then most importantly, restructure how they are used so they’re better incorporated and woven into existing systems already implemented so there is no unnecessary friction causing an identity crisis on what the actual scope of the game is.

Just to be blunt about it. Systemic Reaction/Avalanche Studios. Many people, including myself, do not like base building, IT SUCKS, and it’s not fun to play, and it’s a half ***** system. Stop trying to forcibly change the entire atmosphere of the game from an open world, exploration, post apocalyptic survival FPS with epic boss battles, into a one dimensional balloons tower defense. The current implantation and integration of base building just straight up does not fit or seamlessly integrate into the overall experience of Generation Zero. You could remove it entirely and the game would be an infinitely better experience.

HOWEVER. That could be a completely different story, if you changed a few things.

Like, adding the resources to more loot tables like boxes, chests and crates. Increased the amount that drop from rivals and tyrants.

Add them to the loot tables as rewards for conquering and taking over FNIX bases.

Not having recipes like wood walls require everything but wood.

If you’re not going to implement these kinds of changes, and you’re going to outright abandon the IP and/or stop development on it entirely to work on other projects. Open the game up to modding so people can make changes and mods themselves then post them up on Nexus Mods.There is a large community of people who genuinely enjoy this game. Many examples like Skyrim, Oblivion, Halo, Cyberpunk, Baldurs Gate 3, Red Dead Redemption. All of these games have huge, thriving communities of gamers for years, well after development because of mod support.

If you want your game to live on with a thriving community, instead of dying off. Ball is in your court.


Good post. I enjoy base- building as a place to store ammunition and medical supplies if nothing else, and I enjoy base assault missions, although I’m not a fan of base defense missions. As far as the storyline itself is concerned, base defense is backwards thinking. For a small group of survivors in a nation whose armed forces were annihilated by machines in just one night, the best defense of a base against attack by such machines lies in not being discovered at all. But that’s just part of my personal “If I was actually there” gaming mindset.

Your request to “…add more ways to acquire these materials in a meaningful rewarding way” is right on the mark I believe. And your comment about wood walls requiring everything except wood? Spot on. That said, I wouldn’t count on a fix if I were you. The showdown was their last update and they’ve now added a hotfix for that. If they do add another however, I’d also like to see them fix this:

“Rivals can drop Refined Aluminum, Refined Tungsten, and Refined Uranium, while Tyrants can drop Phosphorous and Ethanol.”

I’ve wasted over a dozen Rivals so far today, All that I’ve gotten from them so far is phosphorous- an item which Tyrants (and not Rivals) are supposed to drop. I haven’t destroyed any Tyrants yet, so perhaps they got this backwards. Anyway, I hope your suggestions bear fruit.

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I reduced four rivals to scrap last night and got phosphorous and ethanol. Also got two experimentals, both 12G shotguns.

I thought only tyrants dropped those resources post hotfix as well? Odd. But I am not complaining overly right now.


Yeah, they possibly just got the drop rewards reversed in the post. I’ll see what a Tyrant drops…

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I strongly believe that they confused it while writing the letter. If it’s really the opposite of what they wrote, I’m fine with it.

Of course, I still also think that more sources would be welcome: fmtel-mission-rewards, procedual-mission-rewards or base assault rewards. They don’t really have to be in general loot pools in my eyes.

On the other hand I’m still waiting for more good sources of wood and lead. We now get soo much steel, but that’s way too much. Reduce it by half and add more wood to general loot pools or to these saplings. And just 1 lead sometimes in the loot of runners? There should be way more and in more pools!

Yes, it sounds as though they did just get the rewards reversed. I however, am ‘not’ fine with it, because it means that the sole current means to obtain refined metals is to either undergo endless base defense missions or become a fanatic on Reapers and Vultures.

If they’re going to retain the current drop procedure, then the suggestion made by Karhaa- namely, to “…add more ways to acquire these materials…” is a sound fix.

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Yes, that’s what I said, too.

Just compare how and for which costs we were able to craft experimental ammo when it was introduced. We got hundreds of rounds for some few normal ressources and 1 uranium and we where able craft them all just by doing about 20 easy base defenses.

Now we first have to unlock them all.
For that we need to craft them to get crafting schematic points.
To be able to craft them, we need many ressources which we just get by killing tyrants or doing many many base defense missions… And the when we want to craft experimental ammo, we just get about 60 rounds each time.

And just think about adrenaline shots.
We can spawn motorbikes and a companion long before we become able to craft adrenalines… And they also became rare in loot. And now keep in mind that the machines became much more and it’s even harder to survive.

I’m currently playing with my third character (now lvl 18) in a second world and had a really hard time to pass the airfield to get towards Boo to unlock the second command bunker.

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who read my post, and took time out of your (probably) extremely busy day to reply, make responses, share your insight, thoughts, and other experiences.

The developers have officially stated they have ceased all development on the game, and it’s being abandoned with no further updates, and they do not have any new projects to announce at this time.

It would appear all changes they’ve made to the game are set in stone… and they’re not changing them…

Really not a fan of the “take it or leave it mentality”… but… is what it is

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Really hoping for a sequel, they did say there were more stories to tell?