New crafting schematics?

I was scrolling through the crafting schematics now after the update and found this:

Will we be able to craft gnome tick pods? If so, will the gnome ticks be possible to loot when killed? If so will there be a chance to get gnome masks?


I noticed there is a fireworks and a fireworks box too!

I have a feeling in the future we will be scrambling around the map looking for all these schematics.


They are not ingame yet. It was an accidental leak during the Landfall Update. See it as a teaser, and feel free to theorize about it :+1:



I absolutely love to find/search for these “collectibles” when roaming around the world.

Would also be sweet to get gnome masks without having to bring the game almost crash conditions. Let us hope!


Can someone tell me, are the new crafting schematics available to find in the world like the old 1C & 2C clothing ones, or are they drops like the 3C - 5C ones or are they from base defense like the 6C ones?

As they’re not experimental, I’d hoped they were scattered on the map or drops from machines. But I’m guessing (and hope I’m wrong) that they’re going to be exclusive to the base defense.

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The spots for them have been added to the collectible log but they are not in game as of yet. I would guess, because they are not the exp ones they may be scattered over the map like the standard ammo ones were.


Yep, me too. Love roaming the world exploring every nook and cranny. :sunglasses:


Exactly this

Searching for the new Landfall collectibles has been the most fun I’ve had in GZ for a long time! I really hope the new schematics are something we need to find and not something we need to grind.