NEW DAWN UPDATE - (Discussion)

There is circumstantial evidence that there has been support from outside Östertörn. If we look at the Vräken Strike Fighters that are still intact, they all have the Air force Base Number 17 indicating they came from Air base F17 Kallinge. That Air base is on the mainland, more specifically near Ronneby in southern Sweden. We of course have to assume that the devs did this on purpose with the story in mind. :thinking:

We do not find any Vräken with number 23 below the cockpit. We can only assume that the Strike fighters from F23 Överby Air base all have been shot down, and crashed all over Östertörn. We only find wrecks with all the paint and identification number (23) burned off.

In the mission “Nothing but the Snow” Elsa says; “…This is Vräken Kara 11 23, from F23 Överby, this is Corporal Elsa Khorsandi …”
So she was flying a Vräken with the number 23, and crashed it.


They have now shown some of the reworked areas around North Coast.


I hope there will be some more info soon.
Just a revamp of north coast seems a little bit disappointing.

I guess there will be the announcement for the weekly stream tomorrow and a tweet with some further info after the stream.
Maybe the release could be on friday.

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On the last stream, they said there won’t be one tomorrow. I forgot to put that in my stream summary.

I love the Great Wall of Hagaboda. :coffee:

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And heres the reveal to the Intro mission revamp including NPCs for them.


I don’t know how I feel about these intro mission changes. Making the game more accessible to new players and explaining mechanics from within the game itself instead of having to look them up on the Wiki or the Forum or YouTube is definitely a good idea.

But I really don’t like the idea of meeting NPCs as soon as you start the game. It will really diminish the whole “what happened to everyone” mystery and the atmosphere of isolation from the get-go. If you follow the story chronologically (which a lot of new players don’t because they can access FNIX Rising as soon as they leave the Archipelago, oops) you never even meet anyone else in the base game, it’s only when you head to Himfjäll that you reunite with your fellow countrymen. It’s supposed to be a big moment, but it won’t be anymore.

Then again, they already put Masskar base and those FNIX structures and the final DLC storyline missions right in the beginning areas so maybe this whole isolation mystery idea isn’t a big concern to them…


I can’t really understand that.

Since you have already played the game, you can’t get that feeling of being alone back again, even if you start the new intro missions. You know the whole story already.
New players don’t know, and I don’t think that meeting two NBCs is diminishing their experience of feeling alone when they leave them again.

As for me, I would love to play these new parts and see what changes are made.


I agree with both of you, gysbert and vlad.
I would be nice to start everything again to see what changed, but it would feel completly different if there were npcs right at the beginning, as you thought they were all gone or dead before… You’ve been alone. If you played the dlcs you found out that you weren’t. There is a resistance. It’s alive.

But I’m still excited, how they did the new intro.


My concern is that it will ruin the isolated feel for new players, not myself. I’m glad that when I first started playing through the game there were no NPCs to be found. The feeling of being totally alone and outgunned against overwhelming odds in the Archipelago was amazing.

Well, to each their own I suppose. Finding and talking to other people right off the bat would’ve definitely diminished my experience. I really enjoyed having there be no sign of life anywhere, like everyone up and disappeared and I had to get to the bottom of it.

Exactly my thoughts. :+1:


I think the idea of mixing up the vanilla missions are a decent idea, as much as I loved the lonely atmosphere, it just felt boring going from A to B shoot and be done. There was just never really any seasoning or spice, nothing to make it stand out.

HOWEVER, the world and story suffers greatly from (honestly) lazily done continuity as you pointed out before. To me it gives the impression that even the vanilla story isn’t finished, because continuity and now the story itself is being changed for the sake of change.

cant disagree with that. Kinda ruins Alpine Unrest a little


I guess that shows how much the game has changed since the main highlight of the original alpine unrest trailer was finally finding people on the islands.


As I said… I’m still excited. All depends on how they realized it.

You (and your three friends) stranded at the beach after your boat has been shot. You awake. You are injured but still alive. It’s quite. There are abandoned cars… Backpacks and suite cases are lying around. In the first house you enter there is a dead man, shotholes in the walls, a dead robot… You’re afraid and don’t know what happened.

But suddenly there is another human. He/she is hiding in the first house. You enter the room and he/she starts to explain everything: what happened, what you have to do, how you shoot with a gun and many more… You leave and start exploring the world… The world where appearingly no one else survived or stayed. And if you don’t own the dlc you will never find another living person.

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I loved the isolation, the total mystery, I think this might be sad for new players to not have experienced that ! :grimacing:🫤


I really like how alone you were at the beginning, the more you find the more you think “what the hell happened here” then you start to see Swedish flags and markings on the military class machines as you progress…


And here comes the release date, Thursday 23rd June.


Isn’t she already in game though?

Your on PC gamepass/MS Store PC whoch has the unfinished version of New Dawn.

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ah ok. yeah that explains a lot.

Technically, all the resistance stuff is proof that the whole island is full of people who are alive, it’s just for some reason they are invisible to the player character.