New driveable vehicles

In the future I would like to see that you can drive around Östertörn with cars and some tractors maybe? But to open the cars you have to lock pick the car doors to drive them. And then refill with gasoline. Then you could put a trailer with base parts/ ammo and equipment. Does this sound good?

New vehicles are announced for this year.
We’ll see what we get.

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I’m hoping for something that seats more than one person, preferably a nice sedan or coupe. I’d like to see them Road Warrior’d up so that your squad mates can shoot out the windows while you warthog around them like an idiot.

I’m not even half kidding.

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But…but…but we need unlocked car doors to be able to loot them… :roll_eyes: :grin:

Jokes aside…it could be that you have to lock pick to hot wire the ignition. I think the idea is good. :+1:

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Here is what I once suggested.
And I feel like some of the ideas have been realized for the companion…

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let’s put a vote to it :neutral_face: reply your with your answer, Tank, Tractor, Helicoper, Car, Skateboard, Hoverboard, Doalorean, the kids toy vehicle found in the hotel, Golf Cart, Forklift, truck