New Guns in the Game?

I would like to see the experimental MG and a new guns like a P90 or VECTOR added to the game. My favourite game!
From Andy


P90 and Vector: While the FN P90 is gorgeousā€¦ it does not fit the time line.
Game is set end 80.sā€¦ P90 is 1991.
Now, Devs might still add itā€¦ MIGHTā€¦
Kriss Vector then is even much younger: 2005.

IF one is made, I hope itā€™s power would be nothing more than a build-in stabilizer.
Nothing else.
It would not be as OP as the rest of the powers, which is what I aim for.
Also, let it be the 59ā€™er, pleaseā€¦
That DUK DUK DUK DUK sound aloneā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know what would fit the timeline :wink:


Well in alien2 they used the german mg3 (they use also a lot german weapons in star wars), so yes that weapon would fit into 80th sweden.

In my opinion we need the following to have the game complete :

  • A machine pistol which uses 32. ACP ammo .

  • A semi automatic sniper rifle stronger than the Meusser and the Algstundsare but weaker in damage than the Pansarvarnsgevar 90.

  • An automatic Shotgun, something like the SPAS 12 (faster than the Sjoqvist).

  • A rocket Launcher, with limited and rare ammunition but deadly to any enemy.

  • A Petrol Bomb (Molotov Cocktail).

  • Night Vision googles (with the already existing 3 vision modes).

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Merged topics.


I would like to see an experimental machine gun.

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Also regarding the stealth in the game they could also add an As Val and a Vss .

Beauty ā€¦ :heart:

Everybody who has been playing STALKER know what this is about. :wink::radioactive:


ā€œGet out of here Stalkerā€


Just as the title says basically. The variety of firearms is wonderful, but will there be more?

From what we know yes , for example the newest weapons that they added where the lmgs , but it seems that we will see rarely weapon updates because of the work that has to be done before they can put them in the game .

Topics merged.


Cheeki Breeki Iv Damke