Hello everyone.
First i will tell about a fun dream last night i had. It was about new skill points to the game.
An ability to walk up to a hunter or other “small” enemies, and a funtion to press “E” button at the enemy, which will make a little cut-scene, where your character just stomp on the enemies food down to the ground, and make them stuck for short time. I laugh a little after wake up again. But also gave me another idea to the game…
And its the second idea…
What about new skill points that make an ability to the character to move up in front to a hunter, only if they are low to a specific health, then a function to press the “E” button, which create a little cut-scene, where the character hold the hunter, then pull a gun and make an instant kill with a shot in the head. Cost one or more ammo with a experimental pistol (Maybe works only with the experimental 44. Magnus revolver). But other enemies can still attack at same time in the cut-scene, so be aware when to use it