Completely in agreement with you! Gimme a fast switch so I can keep blasting that Tank while running like a panicking scaredy-cat .
I really like the game. But the new inventory system on PC is a mess. Not only the big problem to change ammunitions, as already mentioned. No, I have another bug since the update.
My weapons, which are ASSIGNED TO A SLOT in the inventory, are not choosable, If I change back from Inventorymode to the game mode, the weapons are disappearing. The ONLY working slot ist Number 3, which is the handgun.
Do I something wrong, or is this bug known?
To all the haters, give it some time.
Started playing and was really lost, hated the new inventory, Took a good time for me to understand the over complicated system, but after a couple of hours it all changed, I love it.
You can carry a lot more ammo / stuff then before, just select the right ammo before you engage the fight, whit two main weapons and a side arm their is absolutely no problem at all to win the fight, especially when you can carry a lot more in backpack.
I don’t think the is intended to play as a shooter, running around and shooting on the fly
For those who can’t equip their weapons:
- put every weapon you have into Plundra
- close Plundra (just in case)
- open Plundra and take all your weapons out
- equip your weapons
That fixes the equip bug.
It was asked by players who play MP. Rather than dropping the whole stack of ammo for their buddy (e.g 240 rounds of 7.62mm), they requested a feature where they can split the stack.
It makes sense since if you only have 240 rounds of FMJ and if you can drop only the full stack, then you’d be out of ammo. With stack split, you can drop 80, 100, 120, 140 etc rounds, so both players have some ammo.
Basically, here’s the shortcomings of the current system:
We need:
- Some kind of sorting for items in the inventory/storage so it doesn’t turn into an impossible to parse mess of items.
- The ability to see the rarity of mod optics.
It would be extremely beneficial:
- The ability to quickly swap ammo types on equipped weapons.
It would be nice:
- To have multiple sorting options.
- To stack duplicate items with each other. (This already happens with things like ammo or consumables, but it would be nice to also stack duplicate weapons and mods.)
- To remove equipped mods from the mod list, or mark them more clearly.
- To make it easier to see the rarity of mods on a weapon at a glance (for example: color coding the icons on the item card.
- The ability to quickslot additional items. (Since they now consume inventory weight anyway.)
Anyone got any others?
There is sorting: primary weapons, handguns, consumables, attachments, ammo, resources.
In the old grid system, if you didn’t have 2 free slots next to each other, you couldn’t pick up a weapon.
These two are now a things in game.
These benefit only (or mainly) run and gun playstyle. GZ has never been run and gun game (e.g like Doom: Eternal) and for that reason, i like GZ.
That can cause game crash and loss of dropped items. Proof here: Watch out by dropping weapons!
No, the tabs don’t actually sort the items, they only filter what you see.
And, that’s not what I’m talking about anyway. Something like sorting by item name, then rarity, for example. Currently that does not happen, and it makes things like the ammo tab, a complete mess to skim through, when you’re looking to pull ammo.
Each ammo type only appears as one instance in the list, making the new system far more convenient than the old system with ammo stacks was. But sure, if it can be implemented, why not.
An option to have the original settings would be nice
Each caliber has at least two variants, some (such as the RPG and 12 Gauge have three.) If you’re storing a wide variety of ammunition, even if it’s not in particularly large quantities, the results can become seriously messy. Especially if you’re pulling a weapon out of storage that you don’t use often.
Especially if you’re pulling a weapon out of storage that you don’t use often.
There’s a new feature in-game that hasn’t been told and which i found out.
For example: if you use 12G shotty with buckshot and if you put it into Plundra with ammo equipped, all the buckshot ammo you had, goes into Plundra as well. And when you pull that weapon out of Plundra, it comes with all the buckshot ammo already equipped.
There’s a new feature in-game that hasn’t been told and which i found out.
For example: if you use 12G shotty with buckshot and if you put it into Plundra with ammo equipped, all the buckshot ammo you had, goes into Plundra as well. And when you pull that weapon out of Plundra, it comes with all the buckshot ammo already equipped.
Not quite. It will come with the ammo that was loaded into it when it was banked. It won’t automatically pull all of the ammo.
This is actually a little more extensive than that. It will (sometimes) pull the attachments that the weapon had (including ammo) when it was banked. however, this functionality seems a bit hit or miss.
All we need now is the water and food consumption to turn this into the survival game that so many want. I hope to hell that never happens, the addition of the weight system to me is also another great mess up of the game by Avalanche. Might nearly be time to uninstall never to look back.
Not only is this dangerous while in combat, if you DO happen to unintentionally drop your weapon, when you pick it back up you have to re equip all of your attachments!!
New system is good, but can be better for sure.
Some have suggested that pressing and holding the Reload key should bring up a menu that would allow you to swap ammo type. I like that idea, and it’s an idea that could be expanded upon to allow changing weapons as well, so that there wouldn’t be a need to go into the inventory at all in the first place.
Either make holding R open up a quick menu that allows for chaning ammo or select a new weapon from inventory
holding the corresponding hotkey, for example 1, would allow the same function. That could also be expanded on for the other hotkeys 4, 5, 6 and 7, to allow for quicker swapping of utilities.
Inventory system is bad and update is now crashing making things worse. Can not play at all now! Lost inventory and crashing. Not a good anniversary update, more like a funeral.
I Personally have had a great time with the new update.I play on Xbox. Yes some dead NPC still float away… and all that noise but i don’t care. The world is even more immersive and beautiful, i can carry way more in my inventory. I like the ammo being a few clicks away, makes for more real combat feel. You would almost never have more than a few hundred rounds pre loaded ready to rock IRL. it would take time to reach in a pack to get more ready. we got it good, we don’t have to load the mags. Thank you Gen Z love the game more everyday.
I dont really have that much issue with the layout of the new inventory system as much as the fact that you now dont even have to think about what to carry as you can pretty much carry it all…
Before this update you actually had to plan what weapons to carry and weigh that up with the amount of ammunition for the guns. Now all strategy is out of the window as you can bring all of them and just drag them out of your enormous pocket whenever you need them.
Im aware that this is pretty much how all other FPS games do it nowadays but it was one of the reasons that made this game stand out.
I really think this game has become a victim of its playerbase. Whatever it once was and made it stand out is no more. The majority has chosen what they want and the majority pretty much wants the same as they are used to all over again just packaged differently…
I might sound like some bitter old dinosaur here but i miss the times when you actually bought a game and got that game… And it didnt change drastically every damn month.
Infact i would like to see the average age of the playerbase at this point compared to what it was a year ago.
Jomjom79 (old)
jomjom79, I don’t mind telling you I’m also oldish (65 this year) and I don’t like the new update, especially the weight system they’ve introduced. Much prefer the old grid system life was so much easier with it.
That would be a great idea I think when Xbox and ps players wand the circle they should hold RB to get the circle up so the Devs don’t have to remap the whole controls ik that RB changes the fire mode but that can be a click and the circle can be the hold
I agree that the new inventory is a hassle I tried to get my shotgun then it wouldn’t equip then I had to load a choke and ammunition that took about 5mins then I could go to the lighthouse