Basically the new inventory system has made it a hell to change ammo types on the fly.
It now requires 3 to 4 clicks to achieve that, from the previous drag and drop, and in combat that is life or death.
I thought at first the game needs to automatically load the next ammo type when the current one in use runs out but then I thought, no, that would defeat the purpose of having multiple types of ammo, as you would just be shooting uninterruptedly as long as you had ammo for a weapon, so…
You guys need to add a key bind to choose ammo type, so that when held down, a circle menu pops up like the one used for Emotes which would list the ammo types currently carried for that particular weapon, to switch the type of ammo on the fly.
I can’t stress how paramount this is right now for combat! This needs to happen like in a few days or it will aggravate players to no ends!
I’m already frustrated.
And for the love of God, allow the re-bind of the scroll wheel I have been using MWD (Mouse Wheel Down) to reload since CS:CZ, it just feels natural to me to pull the wheel down and with that pull the mag down out of the gun.
Snälla Generation Zero Devs, make this happen