So I have to ask…why did you change the inventory system? How can this iteration possibly be an improvement?
I’m on the Xbox and now I can’t change guns to different slots. If I’m lucky, I can get one gun in each slot every new spawn. Most of the time it shows two guns or three equipped but I only have one when playing the game. So that’s bad.
I can’t see the quality of my scopes. So that’s bad.
I can’t get a quick overview of what I have, so that’s bad.
I have to take a lot of time to change ammo or change my slots, which in battle means I’m dead.
I can now kill Fnix runners with less than 100 bullets with my Exp. AK 4. What?
What about not being kicked out every. stinking Multiplayer session, multiple times?
How about killed robots not glitching out before I can loot them in Multiplayer?
How about reducing range on the Apocalypse class flamethrower from infinity to 50m?