New Inventory system complications

Folks just need to work the inventory. I was unhappy at first but now I feel like a real soldier in the world. Much less restrictions for inventory. Extremely well done developers! Thank you

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So far after playing GZ with the new inventory, I’ve come to the conclusion that I dislike it in so many ways it’s hard to put into words, so I’ll just let it stand that I don’t like it one little bit. Quoting the devs “In the end we looked for something that would be more convenient to use, easier to understand, and less technically complicated.” I found the older grid still for the inventory a hell of a lot more the opposite of their quote. They should have kept the old grid style and improved it instead of having this new inventory that takes a plethora of clicks to do the same job where it didn’t with the old grid style. And don’t get me started on the new weight system I hate that the worst. And for those that will say but IRL you can’t carry that much weight, you must be forgetting this is not RL but a shooter game FGS.

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I find the new inventory way better then the grid version. Pulling stuff around was always a pixel perfect hassle and the stack limitation was artificially. The weight based system removes the stacks totally and you can see at once how much ammunition of which type you have for example. No one needs to reshuffle the inventory just to have it look better anymore. And in addition you can filter the inventory and have a quick look of the goods you’re carrying.

In my opinion the revamped inventory is a good start what can turn out to be a better version. It still needs more work for sure. I want to apply the ammunition/weapon add ons directly not to have to go the designated weapon to apply it there. Also it would be useful if the guns would auto equip with ammunition when you run out of a certain ammunition type. In addition when swapping ammunition make the steps dependend on the amount of ammunition you have. For example, if you have 1.000 bullets of one ammunition type, make the steps 10 or have a key combination to split it half (one half goes into the plundra/is dropped on the floor and the other half remains in the inventory). And please bring back the quality indication for the scopes.

I wouldn’t argue with realism especially not in this game where the devs try to replicate 80s Sweden as close as possible. This argumentation isn’t helpful to improve the actual inventory.

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The old system was a bit odd, with the fixed grids, and it did not make sense if you compared it with real world. For example two boxes different ammo took the same place as a AK4.

It takes some time to get into the new inventory. But once you find all the shortcuts and quick keys, then you see the great value. It is also a bit difficult when starting with something new.


I’m finding the inventory fine now after getting used to it. But it doesn’t make sense how a pistol can weigh the same as a gas tank for example. Also as others have mentioned, there really needs to be an ammo hot switch button.

I’m on PS4 and the new system is in my opinion better for us on console. I like it. Easier to use. But most people me included are people of habit and dont’t like big changes. But this one gets my thumbs up.

But the downside is there is to many clicks if you want to change primary weapons or ammo during a battle. And when you add stuff to your four steering cross slots it doesn’t show what slot it is. They all have the same symbol.
And it would be great if ammo for a specific gun gets grouped together.

And when you want to split a stack with 2000 bullets it takes for ever. Yesterday I told my friend when we were in battle that I can’t give him the requested ammo because of that. He had to settle with ammo for another weapon that I had a smaller stack for.

Ok i love the game and these devs are one of the most active i have seen in game devolopment . BUT the one that came up with the new inventory system is a complete fruitcake, it doesn’t work its riddled with bugs and much worse there is no oversight on what stuff you have???!!! isn’t that the meaning of a inventory system?

I hate the new inventory system too and in regards of my first post really makes the game unplayable for me so i guess its going to the archive for me and i’ll have a look in 6 months or so if anything changed

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Don’t like the new system… Joining the others that are taking a break… Check back the end of Apr and see if things have changed. And if not… Will be deleting this game.

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Don’t know how it is on consoles but on PC, you can click and hold that little slider ball in transfer window and move it right/left for scrolling near the amount you need. And if you hover mouse cursor over the slider, with mouse scroll wheel (up/down), you can adjust the amount in increments of 1.

Latter is something i love to use where i can transfer nice round amounts (e.g 500 or 1000) between my char and Plundra.

I’ll be doing something similar. I’ll be leaving for a while until everything clears up. Not when the inventory is fixed tho, I’ll probably come back when they add something interesting for a maybe medium update. Until then killing machines in a beautifully sculpted wasteland isn’t the funnest thing, therefore waiting is the best thing to do for now.

The new attachment menu is better suited to a situation where weapon mods are permanent unlocks rather than actual inventory items. As with a lot of other things, it’s not a bad system, but it’s not an improvement over what we had.

The only things I want to see fixed:

  1. fix the issue with scopes/sights not showing what tier/quality they are as it would be nice to know what i am equipping to my guns.

  2. adjust the max personal weight capacity from 80 to 120 as it is very easy to be carrying too much as one is looting and 120 seems, for me IMO, a more reasonable number.

  3. either a) increase the max weight capacity of the storage box to being ten times that of the personal, currently 200 (which is dumb) so if the personal currently is 80 then the storage should be 800 but if personal max is increased to (as i suggested above) 120 then the storage box should be 1200, or B) eliminate the weight capacity of the storage box altogether as and make it infinite, you can access the same stash from each safe house so there goes realism out the window right there (for those who would argue against this because of lack of realism) so infinite storage box space isn’t asking too much. lol

  4. reduce the weight of ammo by 50% i don’t mind ammo having weight but it needs to be reduced a bit seeing as regardless of if you are going solo or with a group you NEED to be carrying a crap load of ammo for fights so a reduction in ammo weight would be more beneficial.

  5. I do agree that the tabs need a better means of further sorting, like organizing weapons by type and quality, same with attachments, consumables, all first aids kits together and by type etc., and ammo, like all 7.62 ammo grouped together etc, they all need some further means of sorting them so they can be further organized and easy to find.

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As I’ve gotten more used to the new system, the more I’ve started to miss the old one.

I’d really love if we could have a toggle that moved it back over to the old system. Yeah, I understand that could cause some issues, but the old grid system felt so much cleaner.

There are three changes to the old system that would be really nice:

  • Make the storage chest ALSO use the grid inventory.
  • Change weapons so they store 11 magazines worth of ammunition instead of one stack of ammo. (Ex: allow the Glock to store from 170+17 rounds to 250+25, with an upgraded magazine, instead of just 120.)
  • A quick-sort button (honestly, it’s probably even more imperative that we get one of those with the list base system we have.)
  • The ability to “top off” the ammo stacks in weapons through dragging and dropping. (Also a contextual menu option to pull in compatible ammo wouldn’t be unwelcome.)

On the whole, I think this patch was a major improvement. The crafting feels kinda pointless right now (but, this is just the beginning.) The difficulty modes are fantastic.

But, the new inventory system is a slog. Right now, it needs some fine tuning, so that it’s more efficient.

  • Why can’t we equip items in the available quickslots from the “Equipped” menu?
  • Why is it so difficult to quickly move one unit of ammo?
  • If quick slots no longer “remove” that item from your carry load, why can’t we have more quickslots?
  • Why is it impossible to sort items in your inventory and storage without carefully removing them, and replacing them one at a time?
  • Why can’t we simply click on mod slot when we’re looking at the weapon (Either on the equip menu, or in the weapons/sidearms page) to swap out that slot Why is it impossible to fill the box to capacity? (Seriously, try. Even if you carefully manage your ammo to full units, it won’t line up properly.)

It’s not big problems, but the little problems seriously drag the experience as a whole down.


Even 50 kg backpack with weapons is quite a task to carry around. So i consider it quite generous when we got 80 kg with maxed skills.

This might be simply game mechanic limitation. Might cause problems when some has ridiculous amounts of items, even opening the storage box might cause problem.

What?! Asking infinite storage, 120 kg carry capacity and now you basically want to double it to 240 kg if carrying ammo only?

Inventory limits are made for game play mechanics, you have to choose what to take. And i think its not going to change.

The carry-on capacity is almost unlimited with both carry perks enabled. I have so much carry-on ammo I don’t need the storage box except to store a spare gun or adapter. Got to use strategy when fighting and not blowing through ammo with those silly exp. sub machine guns, etc. Developers are being very generous with carry capacity now.

Except, it’s not actually kilograms. Every weapon still weighs 2 units. From the Glock to the RPG. It’s one of the weirder things about the game right now, because, while they’ve gone to a list inventory, it’s still balanced around the grid inventory they removed.

Answer: cross-platform.

On PC, there is no issue to add additional slots since KBs have 104 keys. Consoles, in the other hand, have very limited amount of buttons on the controller.

Here’s Xbox controller mapping and where would you bind the additional quick-slot key binds? :thinking:

These aren’t bugs that need to be “fixed”.

  1. 80 units of storage on char is more than enough since it used to be 50 slots before update. With 80 units, i can easily carry loads of ammo that last me through several days. And to top it off, you can even exceed it up to 97 units.

  2. I still don’t get why devs increased Plundra storage. 100 slots was enough but now we have DOUBLE of that. How much more one could possibly need? Unlimited? :astonished:

  3. Improve your aim, so that you won’t miss that often and in turn, don’t need to carry 10.000 rounds with you. Though, latter is possible even with 80 units inventory.

Proof of 10.000+ rounds on char

My 3rd char with plenty of weight to spare.

First thought? The XBox D-Pad actually accepts 8 directional input. The DS4 controller is a little flaky about that, and the diagonal inputs are a little bit questionable, but they do exist and are supported.

A quick slot wheel comes to mind. You can easily run those to twelve slots. Switch weapon selection to the D-pad, make holding Y bring up a wheel, and you’re set. You could even expand it dynamically if you wanted with a spiral or any number of other options.

Hell, even on the short end, you can just use a 3 stage cross D-Pad select, like Fallout 4. Where you can single tap, double tap, and triple tap to create multiple slots on the same D-Pad input.

This is all before you consider the option to simply allow for more keybinds on PC, because, as you pointed out, we have more keys. Hell, I don’t use any number keys after 3. My quick slots are bound to Q, G, H, and B.

Yeah, that’s severe overkill. Even my ammo hoarding tendencies has never gotten nearly that bad, and it kinda illustrates how lightweight ammo is in the current system.

As for why did they double it? I can guess. Under the old system it was possible you had over 400 units of ammo, weapons, and mods crammed into storage. If you had 50 weapons, all of them loaded, with an average of 1 attachment, that would have been 200 slots hidden in storage.

Now, the most a weapon can weigh in the new system, after being imported from the old one) is slightly under 4 units. (Two units for the weapon it self. At most one unit unit for the ammunition (which is now, simply in the bank.) And one unit for the four mods which a weapon could, theoretically, contain. (This is down to .25 from their original 1 unit weight.)

This means that it’s possible to have a grid era storage box with 200 units worth of items in there, and the value had to be increased to account for that.

That said, I really, really miss the old inventory tetris. That, actually made the game more enjoyable for me, and I’m feeling its absence.

It is one way of making it work but when to think about it now, the 4 slot quick-bar is good for balance wise. With it, you actually have to plan ahead which items you need fast access and which aren’t that important, rather than being able to select every single item from the selection wheel.

If the quick-bar selection wheel comes (which i hope it doesn’t), then the snowball starts rolling. Next in line would be weapon selection wheel were if you’re able to quickly select every consumable/throwable, then why not being able to select every weapon you carry the same way (similar like in GTA V)? Rather than planning ahead and only equipping 3 weapons at once.