New location for gen zero

(this could be a DLC location like the Ringfort tunnels)
there could be secret FOA research bunkers scattered around the map that the player has to explore to search for survivors.
some of the new items included could be

  1. a concussion grenade that stuns enemies

  2. a firebomb that lights everything on fire

  3. a new assault rifle called the AG 6
    (this is a link to a 3d model of it Project Name)

4 a new cataclysm class of enemies

5 a cluster grenade

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There are so many locked doors in bunkers or to bunkers that could be used, like Bunker 666.

A firebomb isn’t needed, there already is a molotov Cocktail, but the rest sounds interesting.

Oh id love that small piece of land in himjfall by the bridge. A mission to fix bridge then go across it or bridge already fixed and just go to that smaller island some houses lookout area i dunno…and then that big island up north acrooss the bridge where lots of people blew themselves over to it by blowing up gas tanks lol i was one of em lol i landed on it and explored it . The dev Carni replied to me a while back said no plans rn for a new island i dunno why it makes sense to progress story I mean lots of us have explored the heck outta the whole areas and found everything …so we need more lol… Love the game though hope it stays around a long time . Its one of my BIG FAVS . What do u guys think ???