New Shotgun Please

I think they should add the USAS-12 into the game. Since in all of their dlc weapon packs they don’t add a shotgun. How it should work that it should be realistic or there just idiots. The main gun clips size should 8 like the real gun. Then the drum magazine extension should be like this, 1 crown would be 11, 2 crown would be 13, 3 crown would be 15, 4 crown would be 17, and then 5 crown would be 20.

Also the gun would fit the time period because the USAS-12 came out in 1989, while the AA-12 came out in 1972. I know the AA-12 would fit the time period but the 32 round magazine would be too OP.

If anyone else want’s to come up with any ideas of what other shotguns they should add just say in the comments of this discussion.

I thought that was odd 6 rounds not 8 good job it not a uk one we only aloud :grin: 3. Like the idea of the rotary magazine could choose from mortar grenades ect

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A well-requested feature, I agree.

I want the SPAS12. It doesn’t get more 80’s than that.

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the shotgun from Army of Darkness :smile: with the S-Mart price tag still attached to the shotgun image

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That’s no shotgun.
Looks like a winchester.

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twelve-gauge double barrel

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well whatever it is, Shotgun, Rifle, SMG, :rofl: it would still make a great gun in game, everytime you reload the gun the S-Mart price tag flapping around lol lol lol

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