New weapons skins coming with Dark Skies

The AI-76 would look pretty cool with tiger stripes

from what ive heard, RNG is different per person. e.g your personal character may have a low rate for experimental weapons whereas someone elses may have a higher rate. in my eyes, it allows better player to player trading, if someone’s character has a realy low drop rate for item x and another has a high drop rate for that item, you can trade items and all is good.

I am going to be 100%, I am almost positive everyone has the same RNG. People just convince themselves that it is different. That, or there are just a bunch of bugs with drops that no one notices because no one actually knows what the drops are supposed to look like.

This entire thing could be solved by a simple drop chance table, but that gives the players something useful, and that is not allowed.

Maybe one day we get a drop chance table DLC for $5.


Today, playing in my friends game, I had this too, that I got about 100 shots of HEDP. Additionally I got about 1200 Shots .50 from looting. Firebirds have very much of them.

BUT again no skin, but many many halloween clothes.

I also got a few 1c schematics (which of course I already have all). @Avalanche_Pontus I thought that shouldn’t be anymore after the last update (not dark skies)

Just to give a heads up and as I’ve not seen anyone mentioning it… it works ! :sunglasses: :+1: :+1: :+1:


Truly a bruh moment.