New weapons skins coming with Dark Skies

No. You may have any idea you like. But some fit the game more and some do less.
Customizing the machines skins wouldn’t fit, at least in my eyes.

The only thing I’m missing somehow are fnix machines which fit more into snowy regions, but this gap got filled a bit by speznaz class soviet machines.

One skin I would love is for the 270. That looks like the noblesse oblige weapon from Far Cry 6image

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If the skins would be camouflage-designs they might fit. Grass and Trees.

More arctic and resistance skins for me, please! :grimacing::sunglasses:

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I want to grab this.
I personally haven’t found a weapon skin yet, but my friend did and he had the same experience.

As there probably will come more skins in future, there should be a log entry for the skins to look which we found and for which weapons they are, like it is for schematics.

@Avalanche_Pontus, could you realize something like that?

Same. I killed 5 L4 rivals in my personal game (solo) as I was doing my dailies and running the new Death from Above mission. Killed another 4-5 or so with my friend later on his game. Neither of us got any skins. It took 4 Firebird kills before I got the first moped. My friend got his model on our 2nd Firebird kill in his game.

Rng must differ between people really hard then cause I got everything in my first couple machines

I often wonder about RNG. Odds just seem off.

Playing with my friend throughout the whole story, once he got to L25, experimental weapons were dropping for him at a ridiculous rate.

I hit L25 before he did (as I play solo as well, he doesn’t). I got very few experimental guns. I was farming rivals to L4, yet getting mostly trash tier loot from them. Very little of value was dropping.

In fact, he’s the one that gave me all my first experimental guns as I was unable to get them at all. Every time we play, he’s getting multiple experimental weapon drops. I play every day and I’m lucky if I see 1 per week. He plays 2-3 times per week and gets multiple per session.

Do you think the game could roll a persons rng chances for every item and what chance they have to get it from a source? Like when you bought the game and you loaded in it decided you had a really low chance for finding experimentals but your friend got really high chances.

Maybe it depends on the hashvalue of your player-id :rofl:

I honestly don’t know… I know it’s interesting to compare loot we get.

I get SOOOO much HEDP ammo in drops constantly. I can use 25 in a fight and end up looting 50+ from the dead machines. He’ll be lucky to get 10. I end giving him a crapload, and I always end up with like 200 in my Plundra after a couple of days and recycle a bunch.

He gets huge drops of .50 AP, I get very little, but get a reasonable amount of FMJ. He gets very little FMJ.

I get so much 7.62AP that I’m recycling several thousand rounds every week despite it being my primary ammo used. He gets very little but gets tons of fmj which I get hardly any of.

And this is pretty consistent from session to session.

It absolutely rolls your rng stats when you first open the game then. My stats are pretty similar between session to session as well but I pretty much have equal stats. Like it’s 50/50 on wether or not I get an experimental from rivals or if I get ap or fmj when looting a wolf.

I’ve played every day in the last several weeks. I farm the L4 rivals and Reapers. I’ve seen 2 experimental weapons in the recent weeks - an AG-4 and a shotgun.

I still can’t get over the quantity of HEDP I get though. Regardlessly how carelessly I use my experimental launcher, I’m incapable of causing my supply of HEDP to drop. I use it in fights where it’s utterly unnecessary and it stupid quantities. And yet I always end up with more than I left the last Plundra with. Often, I won’t even loot it because I can’t carry the weight. Or will dump some if I become encumbered.

But this isn’t a Dark Skies thing. This has been a thing for us as far as I can remember.

Use it for fnix bases. The whole bases.
But now let’s get back to topic, please.

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Well now that were back on topic what ideas for skins do you have and what weapons should they go on?

Would be nice to see skins for all weapons. Perhaps even the DLC ones.

We could get a camouflage skin for the AI-76 because guerilla fighters when using that weapon typically comouflaged it.

Of course it should end up somewhere, where all types of skins are available for every weapon.

I don’t like to carry a bunch of flowers with me. They should be able to get all the same camo.

And please no crazy paintings like in CoD: warzone or some other games.

It would be nice if the more assault type weapons like the AGs, SMGs, etc could have multiple camo styles - the more arctic / snow style (like the new AG-5) for when you’re on Himfjall or other snowy regions, green style (like the new AG-4) for forest, a more tan look for the farmlands / south coast, and of course, a resistance camo style (new Kpist) for all guns.

I would love if the all of the weapons had an Arctic camo. It’s one of my favorites.

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