New YT video - Q&A - Official feedback from GZ developers

This video is quite recent. (video is from April 3rd - 2019)
It concerns official feedback from the Generation Zero developers.
If you like this video I stronly suggest to click the “follow” button on Youtube.
You can skip the first 5 minutes of the video.
For those who have missed it, here is the link:


Dude in the mighty mullet wig is good at his job. Really gets my will to see this game succeed back just by seeing how passionate he is about it

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Totally get what you mean. I think they all do a great job.
I mean, let’s be honest, they are spokesman and that does not go unnoticed.
If you look closely they never-ever make real promisses and they are infact very aware and causious about what they say. But they are right: It’s better to not say too-much as being called a liar afterwards if some things get unwillingly delayed or do not make it into the game afterall. As you say, they do a good job. It all sounds very honest and without avoiding the fact that there are some buggs here and there that need to be adressed. It’s nice for them to point out that, although happy with the feedback for new idea’s, they first will adress these issues so everyone can start to enjoy the game before adding new stuff. I also like the gamer that you can see in the video. He is very focussed on his game, a hardcore gamer I can see :wink: Seems to be a funny, capable, trustworthy crew.

And oh yes, I totally like the part where someone asks the absolute unnecesarry question
what they are doing there presenting and playing the game in a live video feed if they have these bugg issues they should be attending. Where the answer is: “We are not from the Tech. Department. Believe us, you don’t want anny of us 3 near the code of this game. But we have other people in the crew that are working on that very hard around the clock.” Nicely said :+1:

Absolutely I’m rooting for them now. honesty goes a long way.

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Avalanche is not a one-game studio, so I hope they put adequate resources into this game, at least to address the myriad number of bugs.

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The devs on this team only work on this game , other games are with other teams , so it is …