No Cap On Skill Points

Platform: PC

Description: I hit max level of 31 but my skill points keep increasing when I kill things as if my levels were going up when they aren’t.

Steps To Reproduce: I don’t know how

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: I was playing with friends every time

Players in your game: 2

r5 3600
rtx 2060 xc
32gb ddr4 3600
1tb ssd

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Lol, dude you already have more points than"Normal" people.
You wanted more?
I bet you are using a trainer, because i counted 58 used points.
That is what everybody should at least have, but the level cap is 31, not even one more.
So, be happy you managed to have that many.

A tip, next time don´t waste points on “support”


What is a trainer?
And I didn’t want more they just kept coming so I would buy whatever

At least from 60 to 70% of the player base wants more points.
The max level is 31 and you can actually only use 30 points.
Just enjoy the game, i would love to have as many points as you have, but be careful you might get a corrupt save game later, it´s a possibility.

I especially like the part where that used 28 more skill points before flagging it

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I mean I wanted to make sure they counted

I don’t see why people just assumes you have cheated. As you said it can be a bug or something else. Cus why tf would someone report a “bug” on the forums when they already know it’s because they “cheated”. Thanks for reporting the bug if you actually are legit. (which i believe you are)


Are you using any mods?

Don’t get me wrong however, given the opportunity - I’d max mine as well.

Purely for testing purposes of course.

Hey @TheBirb :wave:

Would you be up for sending us a copy of your save file so we can take a closer look at the issue?

  1. Your save file can be found here: Documents\Avalanche Studios\GenerationZero\Saves
  2. Right-click the save folder (containing “savegame” and “savegame.bac”) > send to > compressed (zipped) folder
  3. Go to (No account required)
  4. Click the “…” button and select “get transfer link”
  5. Add/attach the .zip archive with the save file(s)
  6. Upload and copy the link
  7. Send me a DM here on the forum and include the link from wetransfer

Thanks for reporting!

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