Non-existent Water

Platform: Ps4

Description: Part of lake does not give you the usual underwater effects and doesn’t teleport you back. Cords in video

Steps To Reproduce: Walk up to lake and jump or walk in from any angle

Host or Client: Solo

Players in your game: 0

Specifications: Ps4 Pro

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This bugged area here has been around for as long as I can remember. 3/4 years at least since I found it. And I’m pretty sure it has been brought up in other discussions in the past. I don’t think it’s a priority to the Devs, especially now that the game is getting its final update.

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Yeah, recently I’ve been finding alot of bugs that have existed for awhile. Another being the Tyloveden FNIX base being softlocked due to mission Good News being removed. I wonder what fixes will come out of The Final Showdown.

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Yep, exactly. I reported the Tyloveden bug myself like a 1 yr ago. I did some testing, and it seems to be locked on world 1 but works as intended on world 2.

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