North saltholm not accessible

Is it me or is this part not accessible even thought it’s in the borderline? I tried going to bridge and tried going around past military choke point but it keeps saying leaving demo area and respawns me…

Its part of the white-bordered starting area but it’s NOT part of the beta. It’s a little bit misunderstanding that the prompt message in the beginning is telling you that the beta-content is the whole white-bordered starting island and later on you have to figure out, that the beta is more limited. It seems like they had to world-design the beta-area in a hurry since there are so many duplicated assets, flying objects and crushed prefabs by closer look. Maybe Avalanche decided to make the beta a little bit smaller than planned in the first place.
So you aren’t able to finish some of the sidequests leadin you beyond that.

Looking forward to test maybe another beta next year?!

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