Not Convenient Cover

PlayStation 4 Pro
This week while playing I have tried hiding behind a downed Harvester for cover but in three instances a Tank HMG has shot through the Harvester as if it was not there. It wasn’t shooting through an opening it was shooting directly through the Harvester also all the instances happened with a prototype Harvester.
Solo session
PS4 Pro

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I noticed that too, with different types and classes of dead machines.
One day I tried to take cover behind a FNIX harvester, the me and the apoc tank were able to shoot through it.

Yesterday after the new update it seemed to be better. I was partly lucky when a speznaz wolf shot at me while I tried to take cover behind a FNIX Tank. The wreck blocked at least about the half of the shots.

I also noticed that I wasn’t able to shoot through the wrecks, as it should be.

Maybe they fixed something?