Nothing in toolbox containers?

Platform: PC
Steps to reproduce: Single Player settings(invite only co-op), find a toolbox

For the record this isn’t the worst thing in the world and I understand this might not be a bug at all. But I digress, here’s the ‘problem’ I may have encountered: When I approach and interact with the various toolboxes that act as containers I get the prompt to interact but when I do the box is empty. Backpacks net me loot, same with the ammo containers, but nothing with the red, blue, yellow, or grey toolboxes. I’m not sure if it’s just the area I may be in (I’m in the part of the map you get to immediately after the intro island), it’s just part of a patch and isn’t meant to be filled with anything, or something else entirely. But nonetheless it’s getting frustrating to go into an area where a majority of the loot containers are toolboxes only to find there is no such loot in them. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is this meant to happen?

Yeah they broke the Game and also now you have to wait 4 in-your-Game Hours before stuff you have looted will respawn stuff in them again. It also apply to when you join other peoples Games. Now Endgamers like me who have no missions to do in their Game have to spend even more time gearing themselves up by looting different areas just to help others in Multiplayer.

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No, no, see the thing is nothing loads in the toolboxes, nothing. Like, even when I go into a new location with untouched loot the toolboxes still don’t show any loot. To the best of my memory this has been happening the whole time I’ve been playing. As I said loot works fine with ammo boxes and bags.


Yes that is the case for everyone…No Toolboxes have loot I was trying to also inform you of the other changes they did that screwed up the Game. So your ammo boxes and backpack will take 4 hours in your Game before you can ever loot those again

Oh, oof, sorry. Good to know I’m not the only one lmao :grinning: Hopefully they fix it, loving the game overall though!

it’s everybody and hopefully will be fixed soon. i have found a gas canister in one and a simple first aid kit in another but that is all

I’ve experienced the same thing, but with ALL types of containers (i.e. toolboxes, ammo cases and backpacks). I’m currently in the South Coast region and I think I started to notice the empty containers on Södra Saltholmen.

It happens more often then not. Very, very annoying. First I thought it might have been intentional but then again, what’s the point with empty contatiners… (For the record I’m running on PS4)

yes, finding a lot of empty backpacks and ammo boxes also (PC here)
i wish the timer would be decreased for empty boxes. pretty annoying having to wait four hours to not get anything again.
hopefully this is unintentional and will be re-calibrated on the next patch

Yeah, hopefully they’ll release a patch for it soon!

Now that I think of it, I’ve never been able to loot anything from any Seeker either. They’ve always been empty in my game. All of the other bots have loot (except for Ticks, of course), but never the Seekers.

Have any of you experienced the same thing?

I posted this else where thought id drop it here seem’s relevant to topic , Tool Box Emptiness and 4hr timer? this may solve the 4hr in game timer problem :+1:

And here’s a follow up idea that may work :point_right: Tool Box Emptiness and 4hr timer? this could be a soloution ? Maybe lol ?

They have rarely ever had anything to loot for me as well. Since day 1

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