OMG! Have I been a casual mass murderer?!?

So I don’t really like people. A few exceptions do exist (e.g. Annika with the yellow T-shirt), but generally - nope. I find people self-obsessed, assertive, inconsiderate, unreliable, inconsistent, and mostly rather stupid. I don’t like cats either. More or less for the same reasons. But I would never hurt them, humans and cats alike. I do have a cat that I highly dislike, but to make her comfortable and happy, I trick her into believing that I love her very much. That improves her quality of life. She is now almost seventeen years old which is an exceptionally long lifespan for a Sphynx … so I must be rather good at it. And that is basically the point: I firmly believe that it is the paramount responsibility of all humans to reduce suffering and improve the life of their fellow living beings. Even cats.

So due to my misantropic tendencies, I felt quite content roaming the realm of Östertörn totally alone and completely desolated from the indigenous population. I found it amusing to take down the machines, admittedly first out of necessity to survive but later (as my weaponry improved) as a leisury pastime. But as Östertôrn became more and more crowded - first the resistance group at the Hotel on Himfjell and lately more or less all over the place - I left the islands for the mainland to hook up with Annika (with the yellow T-shirt).

But recently a thought has been nagging me in the back of my mind. First as an undefinable uneasy feeling but now as a very real and deeply troubling concern: what if I unknowlingly killed off a significant part of Östertôrns inhabitants?

It seems to be the general consensus that the machines are controlled by living beings, their neural networks somehow being hooked up to remotely control the robots. A prevailing theory is, that this task has been assigned (involuntarily) to the people of Östertörn, and that they are being kept alive in a state of coma somewhere underground to serve that purpose. So how would it affect a human having an affinity link with a machine that is being destroyed? Will the human feel the pain of the machine when it is being pounded with bullets? Will the humans neural network be overloaded with impulses when machine is finally destroyed? Will the human die as a consequence?

Did I unknowingly become a mass murderer while casually destroying the machines of Östertörn? Oh my God, what have I done?!??


I would be logical, if the prevailing theory is correct, that those humans are not harmed when a machine is killed. Just think of how many machines a player could have killed, far more than the inhabitants of Östertörn. (Just count all houses and multiply that by, say 10)
And still the machines keep coming.

And don’t forget that FNIX said to Veronica that he kept his “precious resources” safe, referring to the missing people. :coffee:


Added spoiler tags.


@Gysbert, I really appreciate that you are trying to ease my concern here. But I forgot to write, that I also find people untrustworthy (not you, rest assured :wink:). So I have no reason to believe anything that FNIX postulates. I must admit that your point about depleting the amount of humans due to the sheer number of machines, I’ve taken down might have some validity to it. However, I think that I would have depleted most of Kirunas iron ore deposits as well in the process … just to mention one of the multitude of ressources that goes into the manufacturing of machines.

Sorry, I am still deeply concerned, that one day we’ll gain access to an underground structure filled with humans in a terrible - if not dead - state. And I just noted, that @Zesiir added a spoiler tag :scream:.


Yeah, figured it made sense for the topic. As if the title is anything but subtle :smiley:

I believe that although it’s been suggested that FNIX uses humans to control the machines, I don’t think they expire when Machines are destroyed. Rather their neural link is just transferred to another
Machine to control.

But it’s an interesting topic… Makes you think. The people are being used against their will, so pretty much slavery. How are they treated? How are they being kept alive? I doubt it’s pleasant.


I don’t think you could have depleted the largest mine in the world. And because we live in a world where resources are growing scarcer and scarcer, and the fact that Iron is highly recyclable, it would be very likely that all the destroyed machines are being reused.

I hope I eased yet again some of your concerns. :guitar:

I am still thinking on the gravest of your concerns - humans in a terrible - if not dead - state.


As I recall the 80’s the key mantra was “Consume” and not “Recycle”, and I did my best to comply to society’s expectations :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I appreciate your efforts to offer me consolation, @Gysbert - I really do - but I am convinced that Östertörn keep dark and violent secrets to be uncovered deep below her mountains :open_mouth:


If the theory is part of the true game Lore.
Humans are just being used, they feel nothing, there is no affinity to the machines.
If they die, you are just doing them a favor, they are in a state worst than death.
And just an example:

Machines dont run away when many machines are destroyed, so there are no emotions or pain present, that means humans have no sense of being…there…of being used.

So, no problem :+1:

PS: Yes, sometimes machines run from us when they are on the brink of being destroyed, but that is just part of their programming, not because there is a human “spirit” there.


I once went to the dentist. She told me that I would feel nothing. She lied :joy:


Ok, just choose the evil apple mystery quest option.
Then you can call yourself a casual mass murderer :sweat_smile: :sunglasses:

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Old proverb: One picture can tell more than a thousand words.



Hi @Gysbert , that is totally cool. I don’t remember seeing that. Could you hint at the location? I thought that I’d been pretty much everywhere.


If you mouse-over the picture the hint becomes visible. But you probably can’t go there, since it has been blown up. New game, then you can. :smiley: Also, the monitors are shutting down one by one, so time is short.

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Ok, got it. I was pretty busy when I was there - I remember a count down timer stressing me. Must have seen it, but a long time ago. Thanks mate :+1:

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Yes, i know, but the story did not advance anymore, nor has been any attempt made to understand things or to maybe save any of those people.


Exactly my point, @Mr_A1992! I may very well dislike these people out of sheer principle, but I still feel very compassionate about their situation (okay, I might have a complex personality :joy:). What is the fate of these poor souls in limbo? Are there hope or are they destined for obliteration?


I would like to know…
I believe im not the only one who thought " ok they are going to expand the story later and explain everything with DLC at those other islands"
Instead we have new interesting stuff and very good new quality of life improvements but what about those poor souls?
“Oh the humanity!..”


I am almost 100% certain FNIX is using the inhabitants as computing power, nothing more.

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I agree, @Aleksander , but doing so FNIX seriously messes with their brains. And that can cause serious brain damage. And - if you dream that you die, will you actually die? That was how it worked in “The Matrix”. But that was just fiction, off course :sweat_smile:

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I’ve died in my dreams more than once, so no worries there. :dizzy_face:
As to the Matrix; if all those people are hooked up to a network, maybe they are experiencing a FNIX version of the Matrix in order for the AI to use their brainpower.