Pansargevär 50 under powered?

My thoughts exactly.

Let’s look at this from a slightly different perspective too.
Perhaps this game needs (could need?) a more detailed damage model for the machines.

This would go hand in hand with the damage dealt to it.
As said; a .50cal (or Dual Purpose RPG warhead) would deal such an amount of damage to machines like in this game, that they would surely start to glitch/fail - or atleast to behave in all sorts of odd manners when hit by such weapons.
If not, completely seize up and/or fail, or in any other way suffer fatal damage or blow up catastrophically.

The game does not model this in any way at all, apart from showing increasing amounts of sparks and electric smoke.
However: The performance of many damaged machines does not degrade in any way at all.
Which - technically spoken, it should.

Edit; spelling


Trying to get realistic damage models is kinda double edge sword it would not be fun to get taken out by a single shot from a tank or hunter.

Games with single shot kills have been around a good while now, the player can be very vulnerable in some games if they do silly things. GZ has the old fashioned health system for both player and machines where both are 100% effective even with 99% damage. To change to a different damage model would be a LOT of work for the devs but it could also change the style and mood of the game away from what it has now. Its down to what kind of gameplay experience the devs are trying to achieve. An ArmA style wounds and medical system is obviously do-able but would it suit the theme of this game? With its 80s setting and cheesy clothing options there’s obviously something tongue-in-cheek going on here that the devs want to emphasize and maybe a complex damage model is not in that theme for them.

That is not the point. :slight_smile:

The point is to have the game provide better feedback to the player, not necessarily make it “realistic”…

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Now after playing much more longer i feel like the Pansargevar 50 is not as under powered as I thought. Because I noticed that it takes down hunter quite easily more easily than the Special 12G

Something I have run into recently is the hunters with a shoulder mounted 50 (I am assuming it is a 50) have been killing me by shooting through things like metal containers, actually through two of them, and the red laser isn’t even close to me. Also through the large green metal doors in bunkers. They don’t even have to be very close with the red laser to kill me. It has happened a number of times and it is getting frustrating to say the least.

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We have discussed game balance a lot (and we should!) and expectations vary a lot. If the PVG50 was more efficient we should find less of that type of ammo. And the fights wouldn’t last that long. And realistic single-shot kills would probably increase my die-rate by an order of magnitude. Having a survival mode might cause problems with achievements (A:I killed 100 runners! B: So did I but I was doing survival mode, Ha!). Some have intensely argued for a survival features and more realism that might make 5% of gamers really happy. But if the result is that the remaining 95% would seek other games, GZ would be dead within a month.

We are dedicated to GZ in the his forum, but the average gamer do not know about this at all. I had finished all missions before discovering this forum! If the devs change graphics blurriness a bit or adjust machine AI, there will be a hefty debate in here. So my point is, that the game works in its current form. Add more of that. But major changes should be carefully evaluated, crafted, and implemented in small steps. All in my humble opinion, obviously.

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It’s only slightly more powerful than the Algudstare hunting rifle for balance.
Too higher expectation for a rifle in a video game.

I think it is just fine the AP rounds could use more animation when they pen. But I love them for long range takedown of tanks. When you take out their weapons they charge you…lol. I love the weapon myself & greatly enjoy showing it off in my streams of the game… On the other hand the shotgun is way OP in this game…

@IanForceI I am one of those 95% I also liked the way you point out the +/- of the type of balance changes so many ask for without thinking it through. I play a lot of WoTConsole people are always talking balance as if it happens in a vacuum they refuse to think long game or whole game effect of a change even a small one. I truly believe that you hit on it well in your reply.

This part was so spot on:
So my point is, that the game works in its current form. Add more of that. But major changes should be carefully evaluated, crafted, and implemented in small steps.


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