[PC] Achievements are not unlocking for DLC

Glad it also worked for you!
Just don´t know why some people are affected and others not.

Yeah I noticed it too. Some people were fine by unlocking achievements/trophies in their first time in dlc. Unfortunately, you and I didn’t and ran into the issues. Like you said it has to do with saving data may not recognize the dlc to properly start up dlc missions in first place. I don’t know why it does that.

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At least now we know a way to solve this :wink:.

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I contacted @SR_knivspark about this issue. I don’t know if they knew or not about had to delete our saves to start new data again because after the patch fixed dlc mission to start up, it didn’t work on our saves.

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You did good, hope they make another hotfix…this game is awesome…but this kind of game breaking bugs reminds me of Fallout 3/ New Vegas and Skyrim.

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