PC Crash Shortly After Loading


Description: Game is crashing about 2-3 sec after loading unable to play. I have verified steam files, updated NVIDIA Drivers, and did a PC reset. Able to create 2nd player buy player 1 is frozen.

Steps To Reproduce: open game click continue game loads and crashes on mission “Clear the Path” right away.

Images / Videos: N/A

Host or Client:* Steam

Players in your game: jhbgame

Specifications: Intel(R) Core™ i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz 1070TI

Every topic or post about crashes around ringfort and related missions should be gathered together. The reports are getting more and more.

Please use the search next time.

Was able to go into a multiplayer game with character 1 and entered my normal continue at a different location after.