PC crashes in Feb 2020

Hi guys. I’ve been enjoying the game so far and have come back to it after quite some time because I heard that the devs have fixed a bunch of bugs in the Jan update. Unfortunately I’ve been experiencing crashes and freezes after I lowered my graphical settings. Has anyone else had this problem? It’s hard to pin it down to anything in particular since all I did was change my graphics settings to see the new game’s running improvements and then did my best to change the settings back again.

I must admit that this is very frustrating. These crashes were what scared me away in the first place. The game has been out goodness knows how long and it’s still riddled with game breaking issues. It feels like my good will by investing in this product early on has been for nothing. After all this time we are still no closer to getting the game that we were promised.

Any graphical tips on how to run the game on PC safely would be appreciated. I’ll try running the game on low settings just to see but I’m not going to hold my breath.

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Post February’s Hotfix, GZ runs smooth for me with few and far between crashes.

For reference, here are my in-game settings;

Resolution: 1080p
Window: Fullscreen
Vsync: OFF
Dynamic resolution: OFF
Dynamic resolution target: 60FPS

Quality Preset: Custom
Shadow Quality: High
Terrain Detail Tessellation: Ultra
Scene Complexity: Ultra
Water Quality: Ultra
Textrure Resolution: Ultra
Volume Fog Quality: OFF
Anisotropic Filtering: 16
Motion Blur: OFF
Screen Space Reflections: ON
Global Illumination: ON
Anti-aliasing: FXAA + TAA
Chromatic Aberration: ON

If you have Nvidia GPU (i do), then from Nvidia Control panel;
3D Settings -> Manage 3D settings -> Global settings
Vertical sync: Adaptive

You can try different Vsync options under Nvidia control panel to see what works best for you.

Hi Aesyle,

Thank you for your response. I will try to copy your settings that you posted and see if it makes a difference. I hope it does. Thanks again!

All the best!

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