My friends and I want to play, I’m using the Xbox App on the PC, they’re on the actual console.
We want to play together, but they appear to have completely different versions of the game, and when they try to join they receive a “Session Full” warning. IN addition, I have a quest in the ‘starter area’ involving the lady in the first church, while they don’t. IN addition, they only need 3/3 guns in Salthamn, while I need 5/5 (And can only find FOUR OF THEM )
PC gamepass was accidentally released with a different version it seems. AFAIK several different things that are not supposed to be out until later have been accidentally leaked onto that platform’s version.
That would probably explain the MP and parity issues.
As for the quest and gun differences, it’s not uncommon for games to have variations in quests and collectibles based on player progress or game versions. It seems like you have a quest in the ‘starter area’ involving the lady in the first church, while your friends don’t have that same quest. Additionally, you’re looking for 5 guns in Salthamn, while they only need to find 3.
To resolve these issues, you might want to check if there are any updates available for the game. Make sure all players have the same version installed, which should help with the “Session Full” warning. As for the quest and gun differences, it could be due to individual game progress or specific game versions on different platforms.