Pick-up those EMP cells 4 crafting ultracapacitors

since people normally don’t pick-up EMP cells, it also took me a while to figure out were to find the ultracapacitors 4 making the Experimental Messuer Rifle ammo, :slightly_smiling_face: now you know also

All EMPs provide this ressource now.
Additionally they minimum recycling amount was reduced from 10 to 1.

I always gathered them since the companion update to get enough rubber for my prefered armor.

Someone mentioned, that Car battery EMPs don’t provide this ressource yet, but I didn’t check it yet.

large EMP cells 30, medium EMP cells 20, small EMP cells 10, nope for the car battery

there is a skill that helps machines drop these items more often

I always collected the batteries to use them against large machines, it helps a lot if you can get close enough. And it’s faster than a bazooka emp shot. Now I almost feel bad taking them apart.