Pillboxes not using ammo

(PS4) Most of the time they are not using the ammo that i put into. They only shoot the default bullets.
Before the Skyfire update it used to happen sometimes but now it’s almost everytime. Please fix.

Do your pillboxes look normal if you interact with them?

Others reported display issues with the medical trailer (missing mapping for the labels and wrong values, no icons), but it still healed.

Do you have a screenshot?

Hmm i don’t recall seeing something weird when i interact with pillboxes. Medical trailer i haven’t used much yet after the update, so can’t tell. I do know that the ammo i put in pillboxes just stays there and is not being used.

The question is:
Doesn’t it use the ammo or isn’t its value reduced?
You should see it best when using experimental shock ammo or emp rounds for the rocket turrets.

Put a few rounds inside, lure a machine to the bases position and see if there are the expected effects of the ammo and if yes, if the ammo count decreases.

Pillboxes have an issue with displaying what is added to them. This was reported yesterday, so I checked and I have the same issue. This would be post hotfix.

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Yes, i have already tested it and it only shoots the default ammo. In rare cases it’s using the ammo from inventory but 90% of the time it shoot default bullets and amount of ammo in it’s inventory stays the same. I will test it again later to be extra sure it’s only shooting default bullets.

I don’t have the display glitch since i’m on ps4 and haven’t got the recent hotfix yet.

PlayStation 4 Pro
Rocket Launchers not using ammo in inventory
Solo session
Single player
PS4 Pro
I have run into the same problem but also in my game along with the ammo not being used the human decoys don’t pop up when enemies approach. Tested and checked over the past 4 months.

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