Placing a marker by aiming down the sights?

In generation zero it is a little annoying when playing with friends and you just can’t remember the name of the place your going to and need to get the map out to place a marker right? Well I think it would be useful if we had a feature where a marker is placed by aiming down the sights and pressing another button. For example on consoles it could be LT/L2 and down on the d pad. I just think it would make the game a bit smoother in combat rather than getting out the map whilst being shot at to place a marker. It would be a nice little feature to be added to the game. What do you think?


Honestly not a bad idea, but there devs do want us to use the equipment provided or else they wouldn’t have added in the binoculars. It is annoying have to switch from a weapon to equipment just to spot enemies or open the map to place a marker, but that just adds to the games depth. Maybe the devs will add a new skill tree in the future that has perks for abilities like this one. But don’t hold your breath waiting. Unless you want to code the ability into the game yourself. Best we can do is hurry up and wait :unamused:

Btw dev’s, you’re all doing great. Keep it up :+1: